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Here's why birth time is important while checking horoscope

Pandit Vishnu Verma Ji
Here's why birth time is important while checking horoscope

Birth time in one’s life plays an essential role. Knowing the birth time helps in mapping to navigate the stars to help reveal the fate and reality of who you truly are. 

The essence of knowing birth time is practically applicable which plays an important role in one’s life. After knowing the birth time, the calculation helps in determining the house cusp and the alignment of stars, etc. In astrology, The house cusp is like a circle that is further divided into 12 sections. Each section is this cusp is called a house. The line that separates two houses is known as a cusp. The ascendant is generally the cusp of the initial house. The house cusp is accurately calculated by converting our birth time to celestial time for the degree of accuracy in the birthplace. The mid-heaven is the cusp of the 10th house of the native chart. The mid-heaven and the house cusp tell about our life, relationships, life path, and social status and reputation.

Most of us generally don’t keep birth certificates at all. It could be due to many reasons like they were born at home or in a little backward hospital as back in those days when birth certificates were not considered essential, no one prioritized keeping a birth certificate. It is very essential to know your birth time as it helps in finding answers at any stage of your life. However, if one is unable to figure out their birth time, they can approach their birthplace or hospital where they were born and request their birth-related details. If this doesn’t work out, you can approach government bodies for their assistance.

Learn more astrology facts from Famous Astrologer in London

Pandit Vishnu Verma Ji
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