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DIY Will in Scotland

ELP Arbuthnott McClanachan
DIY Will in Scotland

Writing a Will in Scotland

In Scotland, it is advisable for every adult to write a Will.  You can create a simple Will that leaves everything you own to 1 person or it can be complex due to your personal circumstances. Without a Will, the rules of intestacy apply and this could mean that your ex-wife could inherit everything instead of your current partner. 

Having a solicitor write or at the very least check your will, means that it will be difficult to contest after your death and you can be assured the people you love benefit from your estate. Although, paying for a solicitor to write your will may seem like an unnecessary expense it can save your family money and stress in the long term.

How To Write Your Own Will

In the short term, or in a critical situation, having a simple handwritten Will in place may be better than having no Will at all, but we always advise you to consult a solicitor as soon as possible.

You can follow our easy guide on writing a DIY Will on our website. It assumes that the person making the Will (the testator) wishes to leave everything to her husband, otherwise to her two children. From this skeleton Will, it should be quite easy to amend it for your needs.


ELP Arbuthnott McClanachan
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