At Safe Simple Secure, we are delighted to have been chosen as one of the Scottish Government’s partners on their new Fire Alarm campaign about the new fire detection law.
We can help you ensure your home fully complies with the new law that comes into effect from February 2022.

In Scotland, we have very stringent fire safety regulations that are in place to help reduce injury and death caused by fire.
New, tighter regulations were due to come into force in February 2021.
It will be the property owner’s responsibility to meet the new standards, however, the legal duty to enforce the standard rests with local authorities.Many people still believe fires are a thing of the past and they will be fine because they live in a modern house and not an old home with an open fire.
The Grenfell Tower disaster in London is a horrible reminder that none of us are safe from fire in our homes.
Nowadays, we are constantly using electricity for our devices and appliances.
If we don't have the washing machine on, we are charging our mobile phones or working from home on our PC.

The Hairy Coo is an established, award-winning tour operator based in Edinburgh.
They offer a wide selection of day trips from Edinburgh and multi-day Scotland Tours.As professional ambassadors of all things Scottish, we’re not only going to show you the parts of Scotland you want to tick off a list.
We’ll pair every location with the stories and histories that make these places so special, all in our very own Hairy Coo way.
Our coach tours will take you to stunning scenery, historic sights, famous film & TV locations and we hope to see some of our local wildlife.

At Fergusson Law, our solicitors believe every adult should consider granting a Power of Attorney.
This legal document allows you to appoint someone you trust to look after your finances or personal welfare if you become unable to do so yourself.
You can also create a combined Power of Attorney that covers both finances and health.It is important to appoint someone you trust while you are still healthy and able to do.We can offer our Power of Attorney services for a fixed fee.

A fire alarm inspection report plays a very important role in notifying the occupants of your building in the event of a fire.
We all are well aware of the fact that a proper fire alarm is significant in protecting you as well as your business.
This is considered to be the major reason, why you should always research the product that is right for your needs.
In this regard, it is very important to properly understand the differences existing between commercial fire alarms that are available in the market.find more...