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How to Build Customer Loyalty in WordPress with Gamification

Shane Lison
How to Build Customer Loyalty in WordPress with Gamification

Does a bulk of visitors visit your website regularly? If so, then it makes you happy when you check the increasing statistics of your website visitors. Am I wrong?

It is absolutely wrong if those visitors visit your website just to pass their time and do not do any activity that lets you earn. 

It is time to convert your dead visitors to loyal visitors, who will visit your website and start purchasing and interacting with the website’s content. 

Now the question is how to do that? What’s more interesting in your point of view? Think for a sec!

You got it. If you offer something for free to your visitors, they will become your loyal ones. To do so, you need to apply the WordPress gamification strategy.

Keep on reading, and you will get to know more about it. 

Without any delay, install and activate the amazing gamification plugin “myCred” to your website to start over converting your visitors to loyal ones.

What does myCred do?

myCred is the well-known point management system that gamifies your WordPress website with fewer marketing hassles. It incredibly increases visitors’ engagements and compels them to stick to your website.

Why praise myCred?

The enticing power of myCred has insanely increased in the world of gamification. It offers powerful add-ons that work efficiently in rewarding your customers.

  • It is FREE to use and an open-source plugin.
  • It offers more than fifty premium add-ons that you can install along with this plugin. 
  • It makes the rewarding system easy to use.
  • It is user and developer-friendly.
  • It compels the visitors not to leave your website without doing any activity.

And a lot more. 

Let me summarize

Make your website alive and integrate the myCred for a quick and easy gamification service. Your website is nothing without loyal customers; only they let you earn and rank your website on top if they get engaged.

Shane Lison
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