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The Greatness of Granite and Porcelain Slabs

Maryland Countertop
The Greatness of Granite and Porcelain Slabs

Natural stones are the most preferred choice for updating the kitchen and bathroom countertops. The stones can be customized in any shape or size to enhance the area's beauty and blend in with the home decor. This thus makes them a versatile option for countertops. It is granite and porcelain countertops that are in great demand these days. You can find a range of countertops options by visiting a reputable kitchen countertop, Maryland company. However, the two come with their pros and cons. Here is all of it.

Natural granite

Granite is the top material for kitchen countertops among homeowners. However, not many know the reason why the rock makes a great option for countertops.

One of the biggest reasons granite is preferred for countertop surfaces is its ability to withstand daily traffic and usage. It is clear that a material can efficiently handle all of it. The two most important areas where granite shines include-

Heat tolerance

Granite countertops tolerate extreme heat conditions as they are formed from volcanic activity; heat is not an issue for them. But the treatment used to enhance the countertops can affect the heat tolerance of the rock.

Scratch resistant

The rock is so hard that it can't get scratched by normal household usage.


Although new in the industry, porcelain is widely used for wall cladding, flooring, and various other applications. However, in recent years they have been used for countertops. Here's why they are a perfect fit for countertops.

Porcelain is a super durable material that fits the requirements of the countertops. Similar to granite porcelain is heat and resistant to scratches. Its heat-tolerant feature comes through the sintering process used for creating the countertops.

Similarities between Porcelain and Granite

It is clear that the rocks have a lot of similarities. All of their properties are common. But the quality mentioned above is not the only similarity of the materials.  Both porcelain and granite are design-friendly materials meaning they can be customized into any size and shape as per the requirement. Also, each rock comes with its specific design and type. For instance, a granite countertop is best suited for a rustic design. While porcelain, even though it does not offer the desired look and feels.

Differences between porcelain and Granite

Granite is one of the naturally occurring porous rocks, meaning water can easily penetrate inside. However, as porcelain is a human-made material, it isn't porous. Thus it does not absorb the water. Further granite countertops require timely maintenance and cleaning. In fact, there are specific cleaning materials that must be used for the countertops to keep them looking new and fresh. But it is not the same with porcelain countertops as they require minimum maintenance and cleaning. Just wiping the surface using a clean cloth is enough to maintain it.

The next difference is the thickness of both materials. Porcelain, when compared to granite, is thicker, which restricts its usage. Thus there are not many options available in porcelain countertops. However, for granite countertops, you will find a variety of options.

Choosing the best countertop

Given the similarities and differences between granite and porcelain countertops, it is clear granite undoubtedly is the best choice.  However, it will be better if you take professional assistance in choosing the best Granite countertops near Maryland.  You can contact Maryland Countertop Corporation to get help in choosing the best granite countertop and its installation. The company with its experience can deliver quality countertops and installations at a fair price. You can entirely rely on them to get the necessary help in making the best decision.

Maryland Countertop Corporation

4232 Boston St Baltimore MD 21224



Maryland Countertop
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