Confidence and self-esteem empower your child to stand up for themselves or others when he/she thinks something is wrong. Confidence provides your child the strength to resist a situation that makes him / her uncomfortable. Having confidence benefits broaden their experience and encourages them to develop a better understanding of how the world works.
A young child that lacks confidence is worried about trying new things and taking risks. They are anxious about experimenting with things that they do not recognize. Risk-taking and exploration are important for building courage. Risk-taking and exploration aid children realize that the effort of an attempt is worth more than what comes out of the attempt. They learn that it is okay to fail and try again and that failure is merely a part of learning. That is flexibility and it is a skill your child will need for their whole life. As one of the best nurseries in Dubai, Little Diamond Nursery provides the optimum learning experience focusing on your child’s brain development and emotions. At Little Diamond Nursery, children are encouraged to develop independence, make choices, take healthy risks and this builds confidence every day.