I don't even need to say that this is a long-term strategy for gaining followers on Instagram - and, for that reason, it may not be so favorable for entrepreneurs who do not yet have a considerable volume of traffic. However, it is one that will certainly bring incredibly positive results after six months.
For those who think six months is a long time and are not willing to wait, I have a secret for how to get 1k followers on Instagram in 5 minutes.
- Followers Gallery for unlimited followers & likes
insfollowup.com is a professional platform and app that assists Instagram users in gaining active and actual Instagram followers as well as increasing their Instagram likes immediately and for free. You can get followers and likes by using its followers and likes app - Followers Gallery or by going directly to insfollowup.com.
This platform attracts a large number of genuine Instagram users, so there will be no bots. All of your Instagram followers and likes come from live Instagram profiles.
In Followers Gallery, you can either pay to win a large number of coins quickly, or you can earn coins by completing tasks in seconds. This is also how to get free Instagram likes in the Instagram auto liker without login: you give, you receive.
But how about 100 Instagram likes for free every 30 minutes? Most Instagram likers offer a one-time free trial of 100 likes per account, after which you must pay to continue receiving the same service. Followers Gallery, on the other hand, offers a continuous and permanent free likes service that ensures you get free Instagram likes every hour and day.
- Work with digital influencers to gain Instagram followers
One of the most fashionable strategies nowadays, partnerships with digital influencers are right for stores and brands that want to conquer a specific audience.
It becomes even more advantageous if the influencer in question has a consistent audience of followers, as a single publication (like the one above) can result in thousands of new likes - and even a few hundred sales.
The idea is great, but it is good to be careful and prevent yourself: stipulate contracts that prohibit the influencer from generating fake traffic, as this may end up causing Instagram to suspend your account.
If you liked this strategy for gaining followers on Instagram but want a slightly more direct way (and easier to measure results), ask the influencer to control your store's Stories for a few moments of the day or even for an entire day - which will force free Instagram followers of that influencer to visit your store’s profile to accompany you.
- Hand out free gifts or special discounts
Giveaways and discounts are great tools for gaining followers on Instagram, especially for stores and e-commences that have profiles that still have little movement on Instagram.
There is no doubt that sweepstakes are excellent ways to gain followers on Instagram; however, it is a good idea to dose the amount of events you are planning to do, as too many draws can end up scaring future customers and followers.
It is important to note that Instagram has its own rules for conducting sweepstakes on the platform, so be sure to find out about the Instagram Promotion Guidelines before including this action in your strategy to gain followers. And in case you don't know, you also need to follow the rules of the Federal Government for the distribution of prizes. Access the Sefel portal (Secretariat for Fiscal Monitoring, Energy and Lottery) to request an authorization for commercial promotion .
Although it is an excellent strategy, it is worth remembering that it will probably bring followers who will not become loyal customers; only temporary.