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What is Ransomware, and how to Protect yourself From it

Rima Chandra
What is Ransomware, and how to Protect yourself From it

Cybercrime is a prevalent problem, and most companies spend millions of dollars to safeguard their systems from cyber threats. Have you ever imagined that your files being held ransom in your hard drive? There are many cybersecurity threats, but for Ransomware, you have to pay a certain amount to have the fraudsters send the key.


What is Ransomware?


 Ransomware is a virus or a form of malware that encrypts files in your computer, preventing you from accessing them. Typically, it spreads through email scams containing malicious links or attachments or downloads.


Once the attack happens, your device will display messages from the attackers demanding you to pay a fee to restore your system's functions. If this happens to your business, hire the best it managed services and request the experts to help you create a more secure working space. There are also multiple ways to prevent ransomware attacks from happening.


These are;


  1. Awareness


Understanding how ransomware attacks happen and how to stay safe goes a long way. There's a lot of information online on such cyber threats, and you can use this to avert the attacks. Always stay updated on the current threats from news outlets and authoritative sites. This way, you'll know what to do to keep hackers at bay. Also, educate your workers on the safety measures to employ to avoid cyber threats.


  1. Internet etiquette& due diligence


Cybercriminals use various phishing strategies to deceive unsuspecting users into providing their personal data, which they can use late on. Most attempts use emails containing malicious links or attachments to compromise your computer and access your data. If you get emails from unfamiliar sources, don't rush to open them or the links provided. Be keen with any links presented, and only open if you're sure they come from accredited sources.


  1. Use content filtering tools.


Using content scanning and filtering tools minimizes the risk of spam emails and malware-infected attachments. This then reduces the risk of downloading from malicious sites. Moreover, only download information from trusted websites and always verify that the site is secure.


  1. Install anti-malware


Install an updated antivirus in your device and configure it to run in real-time. For instance, schedule scans to allow for regular scanning in your systems. You can get such tools from many online vendors, and some offer free trials. Use this opportunity to learn how the antivirus works and if it matches your needs.


  1. Update your systems


Updating your systems is arguably the best way to keep cyber attacks at bay. Most attackers understand the vulnerabilities associated with software vendors and use this to compromise your devices. So, use Windows automatic updates or other patch management tools to stay current on software updates.


  1. Have backups& Set user permissions


You can always receive your compromised information if you have a backup. If attackers steal your data, a backup will save you from being exploited by the attackers.

Moreover, create user accounts that prohibit others from installing or un-installing programs. With such controls, you minimize the risk of others installing malicious programs on your computer.


A quick wrap up


 Ransomware is a collection of software packages and viruses that can cause a lot of misery to victims. But, there are many simple ways to avert such attacks. For best results, talk to cybersecurity professionals, and they will guide you in choosing the best anti-malware software to avoid cybersecurity attacks in your systems.

Rima Chandra
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