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How to Reset Instagram Password Using Facebook

Instant Help Zilla
How to Reset Instagram Password Using Facebook

Instagram is the so far most widely used social media platform for those who love photography the most. Many digital marketing agencies are also utilizing this platform to reach the target audience. Some marketing agencies even started campaigns for direct purchases from Instagram. But, what if the marketing agency, or in-house Instagram manager, or even if an individual Instagram user forgets the password to their accounts? The answer is simple, reset Instagram password. Instant Help Zilla is here to guide you through the steps to reset Instagram password

The Steps to Reset Instagram Password


If you do not remember the Instagram password, you can reset Instagram password using your Facebook account

Instant Help Zilla technical research team has gone through multiple ways of resetting an Instagram password and suggests the following method as an ideal approach. If you face any issues in trying to reset Instagram password, you can contact the technical support team at Instant Help Zilla. 


Follow ant of methods mentioned below:

Instagram App Troubleshoot in iPhone:


  1. Go to the login screen and click on the Forgot Password above the Log In button.
  2. Select Phone or Username or FaceBook account. 
  3. Type in your FaceBook, email address, phone number, or username, and then tap Next.
  4. Follow the onscreen guidance to complete the process. 


Instagram App Troubleshoot in Android:


  1. Access the login screen and then choose to Get Help logging in just below the Log In button.
  2. Type in your phone number, email account address, or tap Log In with a Facebook account.
  3. Now you may follow the onscreen instructions to complete the process. 



Instant Help Zilla brings you the most accurate and easy steps to reset Instagram password. When you need to recover any Instagram account of which password is not known, follow this article to resolve technical issues.

Instant Help Zilla
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