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How to tell if you Samsung phone’s LCD is Broken?

Daisy Cooke
How to tell if you Samsung phone’s LCD is Broken?

There is nothing worse than dropping your phone, and then checking if the screen is still working or not. Especially when you have an expensive Samsung phone. Even though the latest phones come with Corning Glass protection to protect the screen. But still, the impact of the fall can be so powerful at times, that it penetrates through the glass protector and breaks the screen. But how to tell me that you need to repair or replace the LCD of your phone. Samsung LCD screen is quite easy to find because there is a huge market for Samsung parts, as they are the most commonly used smartphones. So, if you are asking how can you tell if it's broken or not? Then stick around and find out.


Shattered Glass:

If you see the cracks on the front of the screen of your phone which were caused due to a sudden fall, then you are lucky because it means only the glass protector or the upper layer of the screen is damaged and is showing some cracks. It can easily be resolved by just getting the glass cover or glass protector of your Samsung phone replaced. If it is also underneath the protector, that means the upper screen of the LCD is broken, due to which it is showing cracks but still working properly.

Ink Blots:

Have you ever seen huge smudgy dots like ink drops on your screen? It is due to the dead pixels on the LCD screen. It is majorly caused by gradual pressure on the screen, which damaged the LCD underneath the glass. The glass on the top is undamaged in such a case but the LCD is not in a good condition at all. Sometimes it stays the same size, but majorly it is observed to increase in area and size day by day. The dead pixels on the screen mean that it is time to get your LCD screen replaced or at least repaired.

Bleeding Pixels:

Bleeding pixels occur when there is an impact on the edge of the phone, which causes rows or columns of pixels to display odd-colored lines or black lines. You might also see multi-colored dots or discoloration lines on the screen. It mostly occurs when your Samsung phone experiences a bump from the table or any other thing. This is a certain indicator that you need to get your LCD replaced.


Black Screen:

Sometimes while using your phone, you suddenly stop seeing the display and a full black screen is only visible. It can be caused after a huge fall, but mostly it can even happen when nothing has happened to the phone at all. In such a case the display is black, and nothing can be seen but the phone may still be functioning. You would be able to hear things on the phone and even receive phone calls. This means only the LCD of the phone is damaged or is not properly connected to the mainboard. But mostly it is due to the LCD screen just dying on you.

No-touch Response:

This has happened to many people at different points of times in their life. The touch screen stops responding to your touch gestures. The overall display is alright, and you can see everything else, but there is no action occurring when you touch on it. This is mostly caused due to the damage on the device’s digitizer integrated with the LCD screen. If the digitizer can be repaired, then it is fine and dandy but if not, then there is only one way to fix it which is just getting the screen replaced.

What We Got to Know:

Well, this was the article, and we hope it proved to be beneficial for you guys. Before getting your Samsung LCD Screen replaced, you need to make sure that you are going to the best repair store, which has experienced people who can repair your phone the right way. If you don’t want to take your phone to a repair shop, you can also do it yourself with just the basic knowledge of connector plugs and the mainboard. But it is recommended to leave it to the experts.





Daisy Cooke
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