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8 Financial Planning Tips To Follow in Your 30s

My Financial Advisor
8 Financial Planning Tips To Follow in Your 30s

Your 30s are when real adulthood starts to hit you the most; when you move on to take more responsibility and quit the adventure of the 20s.  And no matter what people say, almost all the responsibilities are essentially financial. You need to be smart with your money and ensure that you have taken care of the essentials.  

Don’t worry! Here are eight financial planning essentials you need to take care of at this age. Let’s take a look: 

1. Clear Your High-Interest Debts

We all make impulsive decisions during our 20s, and some of them are high-interest debts. Once you’re in your 30s, it is best to clear them off as soon as possible, whether it’s the credit card bills, mortgage, or a car loan.  

It helps if you are at zero to restart your financial journey rather than starting off with huge liabilities. If you have not saved up much during your early years of employment, then the best way to deal with it would be debt consolidation.

Debt consolidation allows you to combine multiple debts into one and save money while paying only one interest instead of many. A debt management plan created with the help of a financial advisor would also go a long way in repayment.

“Every financial planning to-do list should have short and long-term goals. Get in touch with a financial advisor to diversify your portfolio.”

2. Set Your Financial Goals 

Motivation comes from having something to look forward to every day. So, if you are trying to get your financial plans in order, it’s time you set goals. Every financial planning to-do list should have short and long-term goals.  

Get in touch with a financial advisor, and try to diversify your portfolio so that you make money in the short term and protect the future for a long time.  

Set up a retirement plan, set goals to buy a house or a car, whatever it is you fancy. Choose your risk profile and invest in different market securities to grow your fortunes. Setting your financial goals will lead you towards a healthier financial future.

3. Budget Your Expenses 

Responsibility and budgeting go hand in hand. To ensure that your financial portfolio is on the right track, you need to put reasonable limitations on your spending.

You can start by cutting down on fast food and entertainment, or just one vacation a year. It might not be easy at first, but budgeting your expenses will go a long way to creating a solid financial foundation on which you can build your life.

Another factor to consider is that once you are in your 30s, the idea of having a family and children start becoming more and more realistic.  

4. Look For The Right Kind Of Health Insurance

Health insurance

Being insured is like hedging your losses. No one knows what might hit you in life, but in the middle of a medical emergency, your insurance will be there to save you. The trick is to select the right kind of health insurance.  

Whether you should go for a coverage plan, what types of diseases it covers are all questions your financial advisor can help figure out.  

Staying prepared with the right health insurance will safeguard your health and wealth in the future. Considering the current health crisis of the world, you can see how this is an important factor to include in your financial planning.

5. Save For Your Retirement

Getting started on your retirement planning is essential during your 30s. It is the time to start building for the future and protecting your interests for when your incomes start dwindling after your 60s.  

Starting a good retirement plan early means minimal premium and a good amount of protection for the future.  

Retirement planning is also one of the things that millennials worry about the least. This mentality will only further your long-term financial goals. While many people invest anything between 3-5% of their gross income on their retirement fund, try allocating around 10-15%.  

“According to experts, it is advisable to save 20-30% of your income after taxes.”

6. Improve Your Money Making Skills 

If you are attracted to a comfortable lifestyle, then you have to work hard enough to achieve it. For those who have developed skills in their 20s, now would be an excellent time to start marketing them and make more money.  

There is no talent that you cannot sell in the age of the internet. All you need is time, effort, and a comprehensive strategy for success.

Once money starts flowing in from your side-income sources, you can start investing that money and stabilize your income for the later years.  

7. Create An Emergency Fund 

emergency fund

One of the things that everyone should plan for in their 30s is to get an emergency fund. Now, when you were younger, all your financial troubles would be magically taken care of by your parents.  

But as time progresses, this is less likely to be the case. Once you create an emergency fund and keep adding money to it, you will be secured if, by chance, something comes up and you need the lump sum money.  

Emergencies could be anything, really from medical to starting a business or moving abroad. If you have these concerns and ideas on your mind, it would be wise to create your emergency fund.  

8. Set Up A Savings Target 

It’s okay to go out and have fun every once in a while, but that should not ever put a dent in your savings. According to experts, it is advisable to save 20-30% of your income after taxes. If you are falling short on this, then it may be time to reconsider point four i.e. budgeting.  

Once you can consistently hit the bull’s eye with your savings target, there is no stopping you. You could start investing according to your financial advisor and begin growing the money.  

Often, young people do not pay enough attention to this factor and end up losing a lot of their money to “good times.” 

These are the eight rules or tips you should follow during your early 30s to establish yourself financially. Though it may sound easier said than done, there’s nothing to worry about we’ve got your back! Get in touch with our expert advisors who can guide you through your financial planning journey with a free video assessment.

My Financial Advisor
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