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Learn how to secure your network from consumer-grade IoT threats.Although most of the consumer grade devices are cheap and flexible in various work scenarios, they also pose a significant issue when they become a security disaster.
The primary reason why this issue has become major is that a substantial number of devices are always connecting to the network every day which results in a higher risk of hackers and crackers being able to access these devices and cause damage.By now, you must have heard about the FBI’s plea that all users should consider rebooting their routers following claims that a notorious hacker group in Russia has created some malware that can efficiently harvest login credentials.
It turns out that this malware specifically targets some of the IoT devices such as small business and home office routers and other network-attached storage devices.Subscribe free now to get more technological updates!
https://is.gd/DLAxlJ While this malware has been largely contained, there are fears that it still poses a significant threat since the hackers may have tracked the IP addresses of the affected routers and may use this critical information to redirect the malware to the specific routers.
In fact, IoT security recommends that you set aside a full budget dedicated to securing your network.
It is an autonomous network security operations platform that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to spot any malware and other security events in what may appear to you as normal network traffic.CREATE A DEVICE MANAGEMENT POLICY AND A VETTING PROCESS FOR NEW DEVICESMake sure that you implement a precise policy that stipulates guidelines for IoT device addition and connection to your home or work network which will greatly help rationalize the device management process.