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What are Cyber Security Threats?

bollu srikanth
What are Cyber Security Threats?

What are Cyber Security Threats? 

Any destructive attack that aims to destroy data, interfere with digital operations, or obtain unauthorised access to data is considered a cyber security hazard. Cyber hazards include corporate espionage, computer hackers, terrorist organisations, rival governments, criminal gangs, lone hackers, and dissatisfied workers. Sensitive data has recently been exposed as a result of a number of high-profile cyber assaults. For instance, the 2017 Equifax data breach exposed the private data of over 143 million individuals, including birth dates, addresses, and Social Security numbers. In 2018, Marriott Worldwide disclosed that hackers had broken into company computers and taken the personal data of close to 500 million customers.

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10 Cyber Security Threat  you should be aware of :

Denial of service (DoS)

A Denial-of-Service (DoS) attack bombards the target system with traffic, rendering it unable to function normally on the network. A distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack uses several devices.

Examples of denial-of-service (DoS) assaults include the following:

With a stream of HTTP requests that appear to be valid, the hacker overwhelms a web server or application. This technique works by forcing the target network to assign as many alternatives as possible to each request, and it doesn't require a lot of bandwidth or erroneous packets.

The requester must send a SYN request, the host must accept it with a SYN-ACK, and the requester must then reply with an ACK to begin a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections sequence.


Emails sent by the attacker may seem to come from a reputable source. Phishing can be quite targeted but typically involves sending numerous fake emails to numerous recipients. For instance, "spear phishing" tailors the email to a specific recipient while "whaling" the process by concentrating on valuable targets like CEOs.

bollu srikanth
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