In Hindu religion, Vedic astrology has been given a huge importance since ancient times. It has also been mentioned in the religious scripts called ‘Vedas’. So, Vedic astrology has a huge significance in our culture. It has been a huge help to have a deeper insight into our futures and determine the right and wrongs for an individual or a group as a whole. It has always helped people understand what is good and what is bad for them, what their future beholds for them and offers remedies in case of any mishappenings. Most often, the remedies offered by astrology are to be performed by individuals that test their endurance and patience like fasts, chanting mantra and slogans, and doing poojas.
What Is Yantra?
The literal meaning of ‘Yantra’ is simple; it means a ‘machine’. A machine is made with a purpose to help others ease their work. A lot of energy and brain is devoted to curating their design, determining their size or its geometrical form.
When we are talking about the ‘yantra’ here in astrology, the thing that is given the due importance is the deity sitting at the centre of it. That is why, everyone must be respectful towards the yantra. Moreover, we also have to ensure that the power of the yantra continuously enhances.
There are different types of yantras that serve different purposes. There are yantra for all the nine planets. Different kinds of yantras like Kubera yantra, Rahu yantra, Shri yantra. Amongst all those yantras available in Vedic astrology, Shri yantra is the most sacred and powerful one.