There is nothing more precious to us than our babies and children. Becoming parents for the first time can be overwhelming as you want to give and do the best for your little one. On becoming parents you come to realise that babies cannot use the same products like us as their bodies are yet at a developing stage and hence vulnerable in many ways. That’s where this guide comes in: these are the best natural products for babies including skin care, diapering, food, formula, shampoo and bath products. The skin of a baby is far more sensitive than that of an adult. Hence, choosing the right baby skin care products might not turn out to be an easy task. Safari hypermarket is the best place for your Online Purchase of Baby Products Qatar to buy best quality baby products. Avoiding toxic chemicals is particularly crucial when it comes to protecting our babies and children, who are uniquely vulnerable to toxic chemicals.
Talc can also be harmful if your baby inhales it. The very fine particles in talc can clog the delicate air sacs in their lungs. Sadly, a very small number of babies have developed breathing difficulties and died after becoming covered in talc. This powdered mineral is added to baby powder (and many other cosmetic powders). It’s used as a drying agent, but it’s a known lung irritant and may also be carcinogenic.
Phthalates are endocrine disruptors that are linked to reproductive malformations in baby boys, reduced fertility, developmental disorders, asthma, and increased allergic reactions. It has been banned in many children’s toys. However, it is still used in many baby care products–scary, huh? Studies have shown that parabens are highly damaging to the liver, kidneys, lungs, and reproductive systems.
Fragrance is added to countless products, either to create a particular fragrance or to mask the odour of the nasty chemicals used in production. Many baby products contain the listed ingredient “fragrance,” which is simply a broad category that hides hundreds of toxic chemicals behind that word itself. However, it is so important for us to educate ourselves and learn to ditch the toxins for the sake of our children’s health.
Parabens prohibit the growth of microbes and are therefore widely used as preservatives in the food and cosmetics industry. Parabens can irritate your baby’s skin. However, the biggest concern is that they are known to disrupt hormone function. An effect that is linked to increased risk of breast cancer and reproductive toxicity. Since a baby’s hormone system is not yet mature, parabens can cause irreparable damage to the developing endocrine system.
Mineral oil
Baby oil is essentially made of mineral oil mixed with fragrance, which is a nasty combination. Mineral oil is a cheap byproduct of petroleum processing and acts as a plastic wrap on the skin, inhibiting the skin’s ability to release toxins. Opt instead for natural and nourishing oils such as olive, coconut, or sweet almond to massage into your baby’s skin.
Buy best Online Baby Care Products from Safari hypermarket for choosing what is best and safest for your little one’s sensitive skin. No matter how you shop, be sure to take advantage of the savings . Contact us today if you have any questions about our Online grocery delivery qatar.