QB Error Code 1335 is indeed a Microsoft Windows error that takes place during QuickBooks updating or repairing its installation. QuickBooks Error Code 1335 generally means that the cupboard file (data1.cab) required ongoing progress installation is corrupt or damaged.

Error c 343 in QuickBooks takes place with the error message Unexpected Error c 343: An error has occurred in QuickBooks.
Please restart QuickBooks and try again.
There is a list of solutions to be followed to resolve error c 343 in QuickBooks.

The Error Code C=47 comes when the QuickBooks Desktop program cannot find a transaction while working on a report or opening a QuickBooks company (.qbw) file.
Sometimes QuickBooks error C=47 usually occurs with the settings of the internet explorer web browser for some websites.
This issue is usually resolved by closing and reopening QuickBooks.