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Resolving QuickBooks Error 1335 with easy solutions

James Ryter
Resolving QuickBooks Error 1335 with easy solutions

QuickBooks, undoubtedly, has proved to be a big boon for accountants, but the technical hindrances keep retarding this software’s efficient functioning. QuickBooks error code 1335 is one such technical issue that is primarily caused due to a damaged data1.cab file and is mainly experienced while updating the accounting software. However, this article will ensure that this error no longer annoys you and gets fixed once and for all.

After reading this section and implementing the steps, the Error code 1335 will be fixed in your system.

1st Solution: Take the aid of QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool

•               On your PC, initially, set up the QuickBooks Tool Hub. The tool can be downloaded from Intuit website.

•               The downloaded file should be named QuickBooksToolHub.exe.

•               Subsequently, start the installation process.

•               After installing the tool, run the same and opt for the Installation Issues tab.

•               Within this option, tap on QuickBooks Install Diagnostic Tool.

•               Let the tool take its time to diagnose any installation-related issues in QuickBooks. Once the process finishes, reboot your computer.

•               If the error code 1335 keeps persevering, jump to the next solution.

2nd Solution: Manual resolution of the error

•               Sign in as an administrator on the PC.

•               Soon after, place the installation disc of QuickBooks in the drive and head to the disc's contents.

•               Herein, copy all the contents from the disc by choosing them and then hitting on Ctrl + C keys.

•               Now, paste these files into some newly created desktop folder by selecting the folder and then hitting Ctrl + V keys.

•               Now, again, initiate the installation process of QuickBooks, but this time through this Desktop folder. Double-click on Setup.exe file and wait for the installation to conclude.

James Ryter
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