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The Best Ways To Fix Your iPhone At Home


Is your iPhone's home button broken? Here's how to fix or work around a broken Home button and get your gadget back in working order.

The iPhone's Home Button

The Home button, or, if you're into design terminology, the "Touch ID" button, is Apple's way of making sure that the iPhone can't be easily stolen, and also to make sure that you can, in fact, unlock the device with your fingerprint. Advertisement It sounds simple, but when you use your fingerprint to unlock the device, the Home button has a bit of trouble waking back up. Which is annoying, especially since some smartphones, like the Samsung Galaxy, don't have fingerprint readers. But we're here to tell you that, with a little persistence, you can make the Home button all the way work again. Here's how. Replacing The Home Button Before you do anything, make sure you've backed up all of your data and that you have the latest version of your iPhone mobile repair Dubai.

The Home Button's Purpose

The Home button is a mainstay of the iPhone. Using it to get to your app dock is as basic as it gets. iPhone home button’s main purpose is to invoke the App Switcher. Click it, and the entire screen switches to the home screen. As you might guess, Apple's app switching has been around for awhile — and you'll likely be familiar with it if you're reading this guide. But for those who aren't, the iPhone's home button isn't merely there for looks — it actually brings you to the app switcher. It's an active switch, not one that's disabled as you cycle through apps. Here's how to turn it off and on. Go To Settings On Your iPhone Scroll down and tap on General Go to Accessibility and tap on Home

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