AI Products 

Milk Vending Machine

Planet Baba
Milk Vending Machine

The Milk Dispenser / Vending Machine can be availed in standard, deluxe and super deluxe models. AISI SS-304 is used in the construction of this machine that works either on RFID Panel or Touch Screen Panel. Smart Card is the dispensing medium, using which milk can be dispensed. In two models, paper currency and coins can also be used. The Milk Vending Machine options include 50ml, 500ml, 1000ml, 2000ml, 5000ml, Rs.5, Rs.10, Rs.50, Rs.100. With a 12V/ 100 AH battery UPS backup, this machine has a power back up time of 12 hours. The insulated Milk Dispenser / Vending Machine incorporates a refrigerator and a compressor.

Planet Baba is a series of raw Mobile Milk Vending Machine developed by Bhavsar Brothers in India. It aims to discard adulteration, contamination and provide accurate milk to customers. Since the research and development is done all under one roof by us, we have successfully developed a very advanced machine with very reasonable price. The new dairy equipment will help people to distribute milk with ease.

Website: http://www.planetbaba.com

Email ID: planetbabab2b@gmail.com

Best Affordable Price of the Markets..

Planet Baba
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