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The Peaceful Sage

Lana Lee
The Peaceful Sage

Pasquale is a psychic in Cave Creek, AZ who specializes in Astro-angelic guidance, Reiki, Color Coaching, and more. He dedicates his life to helping others live with authenticity and joy. He has taken psychic/intuition, mediumship, Usui Reiki, and Color Energy courses, and his knowledge combined with his intuition make him an incredible psychic and healer. He offers in-person and online sessions for individuals who are looking to connect with their higher selves, reach their full potential, and live a blissful life. In-Person Astro-Angelic Guidance In an Astro-angelic guidance session, Pasquale opens up the opportunity for your soul to communicate what you need to have a breakthrough in your life. He looks at the wisdom and guidance of your higher self, your angels, your energy, and your natal chart. He does this by using Astrology, Angel Cards, and Auric Energy. Virtual Astro-Angelic Guidance The virtual Astro-Angelic Guidance sessions are similar to the in-person sessions. Pasquale still dives into your energy, angels, natal chart, and higher self. The only difference is that the virtual season is done via Zoom. Breakthrough Mentorship In this complimentary introductory session, Pasquale discusses how he can best serve you and your needs. The goal is to teach you how to live a meaningful life, and Pasquale teaches you how to do this by unlocking your energy. If you are interested in psychic readings in Cave Creek, AZ, make an appointment with The Peaceful Sage.

The Peaceful Sage

Lana Lee
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