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3 Symptoms Your Back Pain is due to Kidney Stones

Yogveda Health Care
3 Symptoms Your Back Pain is due to Kidney Stones


Kidney stone is one of the most common issues. According to a survey 1 out of every 5 men face this problem. In this article, we will help you to know the exact details and how you can know if it’s a kidney stone or not.

  1. Pain generating in one side of the lower back or below the ribs.

General back pains can occur anywhere. If you encounter pain in the middle back or shoulder there are high chances it's not a kidney stone.  

  1. Pain that comes and goes in waves and changes in intensity

When the kidney stone moves one can feel a different pain. It is usually constant with backache. Kidney stone starts near the kidney and then shifts slightly towards the abdomen moving further towards the groin and then finally towards the ureter. 

  1. More frequent urination

If you often feel the need to urinate there is a possibility you go through the issue of kidney stones. This is often caused when the stone is almost ready to come out into the bladder. The patient might undergo the urge to urinate.

There are multiple ayurvedic medicines for kidney stones available which can help in the treatment of kidney stones. However, there are multiple medicines that contain inorganic components causing adverse effects with kidney stones.

Apart from it, taking home remedies for kidney stones along with the medicines are also helpful.

At yogveda Health Care we are one of the trusted and reliable ayurvedic kidney stone treatment providers who have helped more than 4785 patients recover from the issue. If you are looking for an organic way to heal from the issue we are here to help you.   Get here ayurvedic treatment for kidney stones or call us 


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