If you are planning on buying diamonds for an engagement or another special occasion, you may be wondering how to buy fake diamonds that look real. It is important to know that there are several different ways to do this. But, if you plan carefully and use your head, you should have no problem finding the right one. So, how to buy fake diamonds that look real? There are several different tips for doing just that.
One way to get a good fake is to go to the jewelers themselves. When you go to jewelers personally, you can get a much better deal. Usually, the jeweler will ask you for more money than it would for a lesser quality stone. The best thing to do if you find yourself in this situation is to tell the jeweler that the stone you have is not a genuine diamond. This tip can come in handy when the jeweler realizes that he has been fooled by you.
Ways to pick up a fake diamond rings
Another way to pick up a fake diamond ring is to shop at flea markets and swap meets. If you know anyone who is into collectible items, you may want to think about asking for a discount on the rock. The truth is that the vast majority of people selling pre-owned rare stones don't even bother to appraise the piece before giving it away. It is very unlikely that a dealer would knowingly give you a low value stone. So you should have no problem with this method for finding a diamond ring at a reasonable price.
The next step is to determine the color of the stone. You can determine the color of a diamond by looking at it under the ultraviolet lamp. Most fake diamonds are completely colorless. However, there are some that have a slight yellow cast to them. In addition to the color, the clarity of the stone is another way of identifying whether or not you're dealing with a real gem or just a colorless imitation. If the stone has an obvious clarity problem, then it is probably a high quality fake.
Some of the fake gems will also sport a sparkling shine while most will be dull. It is important that you look at all of these factors together. If you can find a seller who has a high quality genuine stone beside a sparkling replica, then you have found a real gem. However, if you're dealing with a cheap fake, then you probably have a high quality fake that is being sold for less because it is cheaper to produce.
The best fake diamonds will be mined in places that have a great deal of natural magnesium and other minerals. These stones are called "sequin diamonds" because of the way they look, but they really are not real diamonds. However, if you're looking for a diamond that is relatively hard without being too rare, then you should look at the varieties of simulated gemstones that are sometimes referred to as "mineralized cubes."
PHOTO: Fake diamond rings are typically diamond simulant rings which often use cubic zirconia or moissanite. Sometimes these stones are colorful like the pink diamond simulant ring in the photo above.
Most popular stones for fake diamond rings
The most popular ones are actually quite simple in their structure. Some of the best are cubic zirconium and moissanite. These all have low refraction index, which means that light has a smaller diameter and travels through them more slowly. As this happens, the sparkle comes through at a much greater distance and with much more brilliance than you would get from a diamond with a lower refractive index. Therefore, cubic zirconium and moissanite are very good simulated diamond stones.
When shopping for an engagement or wedding rings or realistic fake diamond rings, you can use the knowledge that you have learned about how to buy fake sparkle and use it to your advantage. Many couples are opting for these stones to add sparkle to their rings instead of buying the more common pearls or other gems. You can use real diamonds to enhance the sparkle in a ring, but if you want something that will sparkle just as well and will last longer, then simulated stones are the best option.