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5 Proven turnaround strategy for the businesses dealing with crisis

Prashant Gorule
5 Proven turnaround strategy for the businesses dealing with crisis

Have you heard the distress call in your business? When things start slowing down, it is a sign that something is wrong with the business model. Things that used to work for your business are no longer energizing your internal machines. 

A distress call is the first indication that alerts you about the coming breakdown. Only a few entrepreneurs are wise enough to detect and comprehend the information received through the distress call. Immediate action taken soon after the breakdown in your business would protect your business from a huge loss.

Also, it gives you sufficient time to recover from the damage, plan your goals, modify the management structure and take action to push the boundaries beyond the limit to avoid getting into a big crisis. 

Have you noticed the distress call in your business?

Most probably, you might not have heard of it or notice it. Some many things handled by the entrepreneur these days, which makes it difficult for them to focus on the essential items of the business.

The distress calls generally trigger a significant drop in the sale volume. An analytic report will tell you how you are progressing in the business. In the first few months, there will be a slight dip in sales. As the day pass, the dip ratio would go beyond what you can handle and eventually reach the point where it would be difficult to recover. 

As an entrepreneur, it is your job to protect the organization's interests, customers, and employees working in the company. Do not take any small changes in the revenue lightly. Try to identify the cause behind the problem.

There might be miss management that might have trigger the drop, or competitors might have launched a new product. Anything that adds significant value to the industry would affect your business. Identifying the cause would put you in a position where you can improvise yourself in time and get back to the competition again.

In today's competitive world, only fast-moving industries thrive. Companies that are primarily focus on customer management would have a difficult time in the long run. When your competitors building new products to influence your customers, you are more focused on document management. 

Such business ideology would not put you in a strong position. No matter how better you are in your business or the years of experience in the industry. Nothing will help you survive in the long run if you are not attentive to the changing market condition.

Turnaround strategy to apply in the business to recover faster from the crisis

1) Throw away your perceptions

Every entrepreneur would have their perception about business and future market conditions. If you are in the position of a crisis, the perception you have is not the right one to have as an entrepreneur. Accept your failure and relax. Business is all about challenges and loss. 

Perceive the reality the way it is. Working with the false is not healthy for any business. Once you become empty from the inside and accept that your perception was wrong, the universe around you will fall apart and open new doors of opportunity. 

Instead of daydreaming and wishful thinking, put yourself into the position of improvement. You can turn around in business and become the number one in the industry. You need to feel the reality as it is presented to you by the universe.

2) Restructure each department

The problem generally occurs in the business when their team is not efficient. Restructuring the team would give you time to identify what is working and what is not. Remove the non-working part and replace it with a productive team.

3) Minimize the expense

It is time to focus on the cash inflow and outflow. Stop all unwanted travels, expenditure on additional facilities offered to the higher management team. It is not the time to impress your group. Put everyone on the line of control and ask them to support you in the recovering mode of your business. 

You alone cannot pull everything back to the position, and you need the strong support of your team. Let your finance team know that no expense would occur to the business unless it comes under the essential category. If it does not generate any business, the team will not get compensation for it.

4) Product redesigning and upgrade

Customers appreciate the work when they get the value-added product. Your identity is directly linked to the product or service you offer to your client. Redevelopment of the product will add a new feel to the product. 

People ill have the opportunity to experience something new and enjoy the value generated by your product. Work on the plan to keep upgrading your product until it reaches the level where no other competition would get.  

5) Customization

People like to receive personalized service from the seller. Find a way to offer them a unique service and help them to enjoy the service the way they want. Customization would put the customer in the center. You will have more opportunities to influence customers when the product comes in many varieties. Use the customization are USP of your brand and let people buy your product to feel exclusive.

Prashant Gorule
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