AI Products 

A formal portrait for her or your friends

A formal portrait for her or your friends

We love being able to be part of meaningful occasions and celebrating happy memories with our customizable jewelry.

Pesonalized Jewelry

Whether it is the commemorative name engraved on the custom ring, symbolizing eternal friendship. Or enriching your bracelet with rainbow-like colors with gem elements. And the silver pendant with the names of all family members engraved on it, it represents the warmth of the whole family. All of which are truly one-of-a-kind.

Personalized Gift Custom Name Ring

The latest trend in 2021 is to create a ring tribe, wear all your favorite rings at once, and use all your fingers to cleverly create a horizontal pile of lines. KoalaPrint ring is superimposed with a timeless classic single product, double-layer design, personalize it with your name.

Sweet Love Ring

We also have a layer of classic styles. Wearing two different jewels can give you extra style, and use KoalaPrint‘s luxury gift to add sweetness and some elegant style to your hands. “Choosing is for rookies I want it all”. Why choose one when you can have both at the same time?

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