Take your classes online with KOMPANIONS' online assessment and teaching portal. KOMPANIONS is an online teaching platform for teachers that is designing remediation techniques ‘Assessment for Learning.
Our assessment engine offers comprehensive insights for a learner’s performance and a lot more.
Our assessment engine is a one-of-its-kind scientific tool built on the fundamental premise of using assessment as a pedagogical tool for learning.
Get in touch with KOMPANIONS today for more information.

Impact of the pandemic on educationThe number of children and adults not attending schools or universities due to the COVID-19 outbreak is skyrocketing.
Governments around the world have decided to close educational institutions to contain the global COVID-19 pandemic.More than 100 countries have implemented nationwide school closings, affecting more than half of the students in all, according to UNESCO.
During a pandemic, access to technologies became difficult and, as a result, the quality of their education deteriorated.Don't forget about the disadvantages of distance learning for teachers.
The inability to effectively measure the learning process leads to the fact that teachers cannot fully tell whether their students have mastered the material and how effective the distance education process is.What is EdTech and why it is importantAccording to Investopedia, EdTech (a combination of "education" and "technology") refers to hardware and software designed to enhance teacher-led learning in classrooms and improve students' education outcomes.
But in reality, this concept is much broader: it unites all ways of using technology in the educational process - from interactive blackboards to virtual reality simulators for modelling surgical operations.
If schools don’t use this method of teaching lessons, but only send materials by email with regular checking of homework, then video calls will become an indispensable assistant if a student needs individual lessons.Tools for interactionEdTech apps like Classroom.Cloud provide teachers with tools to collaborate in the classroom, monitor interactions with their students, and provide support.

During the last couple of years, most areas of our life went online.
We shop online, meet with friends online, travel, and even more, our education went online as well.
It transformed into a powerful tool of tuning up skills from the comfort of our homes.
Online education is known to be one of the fastest-growing niches in the world; it is estimated to reach more than 3 billion in profits in a couple of years.
This area covers the public sector and privately held companies that require efficient tools of staff training.
Suppose you are interested in learning more about digital transformation examples in education.

Smartphone apps can play a crucial role in improving parent-teacher interaction.
School administration can use mobile phone applications to send details about the child.
If your educational institution wishes to develop an app for effective communication, you should discuss your requirement with MyEdu.