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Aromatherapy, benefits and essential oils to buy

Walter Hamilton
Aromatherapy, benefits and essential oils to buy

Aromatherapy is used as a therapeutic method, in ancient times essential oils were used both in perfumes and in medicines.

The aromatherapyis an ancient discipline, in which the properties of essential oils extracted from plants used to cure any ailment.

Through aromatherapy, harmony and lost balance are restored.

Aromatherapy is an alternative therapy, therefore it does not replace conventional medicine, but rather accompanies and complements it. Through aromatherapy, it is possible to eliminate certain side effects that arise from traditional treatment.

How does this alternative therapy work?

The aroma acts in our interior by association, in this process our conscious part that analyzes everything does not intervene. The brain perceives the aroma through smell, and places it in the area of perceptions. Once located there, the aroma harmonizes and balances our body. Achieving with it our sanity.

People respond to aromas on an emotional level, olfactory memory is never lost. Sometimes feeling an aroma triggers a series of memories that you thought were forgotten, you relate that aroma to a stage in your life, or to a certain situation you have experienced.

Essential oils are extracted from plants, whether they are leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits, roots or barks. These are the ones that produce its characteristic aroma. Scientifically the properties of these oils have been studied, and today the use of this technique is very common.

What is aromatherapy used for?

Aromatherapy is used for several things, among them are:

  • The insomnia cure,
  • Fight depression,
  • The stress,
  • Appease anxiety,
  • Calm ailments,
  • Contributes to the immune system
  • And benefits the digestive system.

Depending on the need of each person, the plant or the aroma that is going to be used since each one has different properties.

More and more people around the world are using aromatherapy as an alternative medicine.

What is an aromatherapy session like?

This is not an ordinary massage section, in it you must become aware of yourself and your well-being. Therefore you should take time before and after each alternative therapy session. That time should be to enter the aromatherapy session relaxed. And a time of transition when leaving it, so that this exit is not so abrupt.

The specialist will analyze your physical and mental problems in each section, and based on this will select the aromas that will balance and harmonize your body.

In each aromatherapy session, the aroma therapist will apply five essential oils along with a base oil on the affected areas. If you respond positively to the massage, that is, you get a pleasant and relaxing feeling.

The aromatherapist will continue to apply the same formula until the health problem is solved.

There are as many oils as there are plants in nature, in subsequent articles we will tell you what each of them is for.

Shop essential oils and diffusers

It must be borne in mind that essential oils are in their pure state and therefore cannot be applied to the skin without first diluting them. What you generally do for best results is to mix different oils.

The most common method to perform aromatherapy is by diluting the oil in hot water and breathing in the steam that the solution emanates, or with the same results, you can also place the oil in a stove designed for these practices. It can also be placed on the skin by mixing different previously diluted oils.

Walter Hamilton
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