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Sleep disorders: Narcolepsy is the most misdiagnosed

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Sleep disorders: Narcolepsy is the most misdiagnosed


Narcolepsy is a disorder of sleep that can affect the nervous system in the body. It makes people sleep so much their sleep can interfere with their everyday life.

It is thought of as an uncommon condition that can be chronic, and a majority of people may not be aware they have sleep disorders as they might be interpreting their sleep as a result of inactivity.

It is usually a long-lasting disease and symptoms start to show up at the age of 10, and they'll become more severe by when you reach 25. It is so difficult to identify the signs of this disease that, in the beginning, it is often brushed off as fatigue or laziness. in later years' individuals assume that it's just their lifestyle or laziness that makes them not sleep as much.

The condition of the nervous system causes extreme drowsiness and sleepiness, which is accompanied by an ongoing and intense need to rest regardless of where you are.

There are people who suffer from "sleep attacks" when they are able to fall asleep nearly immediately after the attacks occur and they can occur when they're driving, or eating.

It might be a shock to the system However, the low quality of sleep during the night, or even in the morning are signs of narcolepsy.

Narcolepsy sufferers experience cataplexy that is a sudden and brief decrease in the muscle's control which is seen in the majority of cases of narcolepsy.

Because cataplexy is present, the condition is often mistakenly diagnosed as seizures, particularly when children are in the earliest stages of development.

It may not seem to be a major issue and is usually treated in a humorous manner and as comedy devices in popular media, however, it's a serious condition that could prove fatal if not properly treated and treatment.

As an insomnia disorder, it's unlikely to cause harm to the person or trigger your organs' vital functions to stop functioning however it may disrupt your day-to-daily life and impact the efficiency of your job and it can show impacts on your academic performance and can affect your relationships with others.


Types of Narcolepsy:


Type 1 Narcolepsy:

Type 1 Narcolepsy was previously described to be Narcolepsy with Cataplexy and was associated with the most prominent defining symptom, which is an abrupt reduction in the muscle's control.

Patients diagnosed with Type 1 Narcolepsy have sudden moments where they lose muscle control and are tired or sleepy during the daytime. There is a need for more evidence to determine the reason for narcolepsy studies have shown that a low amount of Hypocretin or orexin protein may be the reason in Type 1 Narcolepsy.


Type 2 Narcolepsy:

Type 2 Narcolepsy is less prevalent than Type 1 Narcolepsy, and it was previously referred to as Narcolepsy with no cataplexy. As the name implies, there is no cataplexy with this type of narcolepsy. However, a sufferer with Type 2 Narcolepsy can suffer from daytime sleepiness, have difficulty sleeping properly at night, and may suffer from sleep disorders throughout the day. In addition, those suffering from Type 2 Narcolepsy are almost normal or balanced amounts of the orexin (Hypocretin) protein.




Cataplexy within Narcolepsy is a characteristic sign that aids in determining the kind of Narcolepsy that an individual might have. The condition of Narcolepsy that causes Cataplexy is characterized by a sudden loss of control over voluntary muscles, which may be caused by intense emotions like anger, fear, or even exuberance. It occurs only when someone is awake, and the majority times, it's difficult to recognize that the person is experiencing an attack of cataplexy because the muscle weakness could be mild. However, if it's an extreme cataplexy attack one may experience a collapse. the signs may be like those of seizure disorders.


Excessive Day-Time Sleepiness

excessive daytime sleepiness during Narcolepsy It is one of the most common symptoms in each Type 1 and Type 2 Narcolepsy and is characterized by feeling tired or sleepy throughout the day, even if the patient has slept well at night. It can be a major hindrance to everyday activities. The most noticeable effects can be observed in the performance of students at school or working or in college. it is usually viewed as laziness or lack of professionalism rather than an indication of a medical issue.


Many people find it difficult to believe the notion that sleepiness is a sleep disorder that is characterized by difficulty getting to sleep, which is an indication of the disorder known as narcolepsy.

However, people with Narcolepsy typically experience symptoms of insomnia, like difficulty falling asleep fast, as well as frequent wake up in the middle of the night, or getting up early in the early morning. 

Disrupted Sleep

Sleep disturbances can be a component of insomnia, but it may be an independent symptom in Narcolepsy. People suffering from this condition may not enjoy the best quality of nighttime sleep, which could make daytime sleepiness more challenging for those suffering from it.

Sleep Paralysis

People suffering from Narcolepsy get sleepy or wake up within a few minutes or seconds they might not be capable of speaking or moving in the same way. Such events are known as sleep paralysis.


Sleep paralysis due to the condition of narcolepsy might also experience dreams that can be vivid, and typically occur at the time of waking or sleeping, one might feel as if they are experiencing nightmares.

Inability to Control sleeping

The most frequent symptoms of narcolepsy are the inability to control the influence one has over their sleeping pattern. It's possible for them to fall asleep when they are eating, going out on a date with a loved one, or even while driving. This occurs so fast that most times the individual does not know what is going to happen the next minute. This condition can result in grave injuries and fatal accidents to the person who suffers from this condition, as in the case of the other people around the person at the time that an attack of sleep occurs.

Conditions that are associated with Narcolepsy:

Narcolepsy is a disorder that can be experienced by anyone however, its development is connected to a handful of conditions.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea:

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a kind of Sleep Apnea during which a person's breathing ceases for a short time during their sleeping nights. The condition is commonly seen among those who suffer from this type of sleep disorder. 


Sleepiness and Narcolepsy are often connected and difficulty sleeping in the night or having inadequate quality sleep during the night can lead to excessive nighttime sleepiness.

Restless Leg Syndrome:

Restless leg syndrome is an involuntary movement of your legs for a short period of time or an unanswered, yet intense need to move your legs even when in a position of rest or sitting, particularly in the evening or at night. evening. The signs of narcolepsy can also be observed among those suffering from this condition.

What are the Major Causes of Narcolepsy?

Since Narcolepsy is not a common disease and is frequently overlooked or misdiagnosed There are few studies that provide any significant details on the causes of Narcolepsy.

A lower quantity of Hypocretin protein could be due to the condition known as Type 1 Narcolepsy which is the cause of cataplexy. However, more studies are needed to better understand the cause of this disorder.

Stress is often a key reason for excessive levels of sleepiness during the daytime for individuals, but it's not confirmed that it could be a cause for chronic Narcolepsy.

People between 10-25 are more likely to be suffering from narcolepsy. However, these are times where a person is faced with a lot of academics, pressure to perform well in college and to excel in their first job, and the signs are often attributed to laziness or a due to stress, and burnout.

Someone could be at risk of developing narcolepsy If a family member suffers from a sleep disorder. Therefore, it could be genetic in origin.


Other Significant Complications Associated With Narcolepsy:

Social Assumptions Regarding Narcolepsy

Because of a lack of understanding in addition to the many instances of narcolepsy misdiagnosed There is a stigma that has been associated with this condition.

The majority of people don't consider excessive daytime sleepiness as a medical condition and when a child is asleep often, the child could be considered inactive or uninterested by those around them, such as teachers or parents.

Employers are more likely to perceive daytime sleepiness as an unprofessional act instead of as a sign of a medical problem. Moreover, the majority of people are reluctant to admit the fact that excessive sleepiness during the day caused by narcolepsy is not managed. 

Difficulty in Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships

Being completely in control of your sleep schedule during the day causes an enormous amount of harm in your life social and your relationships with others.

You might fall asleep when you're out for an informal lunch with your companion, which could cause them to be offended or cause them to feel uncomfortable in a public space. It is possible to be unable to sleep during social gatherings or parties or even strong emotions like excitement, joy, and laughter can cause a loss in muscle control, which could make people avoid having you around in fear of causing the possibility of causing an accident.

If you don't have people who accept and accept the fact that you suffer from narcolepsy and have certain signs it can be difficult to remain healthy and successful in your social life due to sleep disorders.

Increases Risk of Physical Harm for Self as Well as Others

Narcolepsy sufferers may experience frequent sleep attacks that can happen at any time which could pose a hazard for them and others. For example, if someone suffers from some of these disorders or catalepsy-related attacks when driving, it could cause grave accidents, and cause harm to the person in question as well as those who are driving with the person.

Someone suffering from this disorder could get sleepy while operating a piece of large machinery at work. They could result in physical injuries to themselves and their coworkers.


High Risk of Obesity and Related Conditions:

Anyone suffering from narcolepsy will spend longer in a sedentary state, whether they're tired or sleepy, and consequently, they do not get enough physical movement. The metabolism rate is reduced in people suffering from this sleep disorder and the person with this disorder of sleep is more likely obese or overweight and be at greater risk of developing heart disease. 

Narcolepsy and Mental Health

It is a common but uncommon sleep disorder, so people suffering from this disorder may not get help from others. Many people are unaware of the seriousness of the condition, which is why they aren't able to gain social acceptance, and their schooling and life at work suffer as a consequence.

It is hard to keep a regular social schedule for someone suffering from narcolepsy this Sleep disorder might feel disconnected or isolated from the rest of society and this can lead to the symptoms of depression.

If they suffer from narcolepsy that includes cataplexy, they could be anxious in social situations due to the anxiety of having an attack of cataplexy or experiencing a sleep disorder at crucial times that could cause a full-blown bout of social anxiety.

Alongside the depression as well as anxiety They may be less confident in their own self-esteem and could develop an identity crisis over time.

Available Treatments for Narcolepsy

It is not curable however it can be controlled with different treatments, as well as lifestyle modifications to allow the patient to have a better quality of life.

The most frequently used drugs to treat Narcolepsy are stimulants such as caffeine, however, there is a chance of addiction that is associated with them.

Modafinil can be an effective treatment option for chronic daytime sleepiness in people suffering from narcolepsy It is a good treatment for excessive daytime sleepiness in narcolepsy as it boosts wakefulness properties, but it is not a stimulant. Therefore, it is less chance of developing an addiction.

Armodafinil is also able to be utilized to treat excessive daytime insomnia in daytime. as it's also an enantiopure chemical of this drug.

The medication known as Provigil is prescribed for the successful treatment of narcolepsy has generic alternatives such as Modalert and Modvigil Similar to that, the enantiopure ingredient is found in Waklert.

There is no doubt that taking oral medication like Modafresh and Modaheal will have an enormous difference in the quality of your life suffer from narcolepsy. However, making lifestyle changes is equally crucial for you.

Regular naps during the day, the ability to inform those at school and at work regarding your health condition, and setting realistic expectations for yourself can help you to cope with your daily life as a person with narcolepsy.

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