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Must Have Mobile App Features for Travel Industry

Naveen Khanna
Must Have Mobile App Features for Travel Industry

The tourism industry is flourishing and growing each day. Nowadays, a majority of people prefer to spend their leisure time exploring the hidden mysteries of the world than ever before. According to WTTC research, the recorded revenue of tourism is $8.8 trillion and has created 318 million jobs.

Given the numbers, it makes clear that there are some factors that triggered the travel industry’s growth; the biggest credit goes to technology for its growth. With the growing use of mobile devices, app development has become a significantly important aspect for any business and travel is no exception. eMarketer’s recent study says that travel-based mobile apps are the 7th most downloadable category and around 60% of smartphone users use travel apps for planning their holidays and tours.

Travel Software Development should have a great UI/UX design with some specific features. Here are some essential features for a travel application.

  1. Travel Itinerary Generator

The first and foremost feature of a travel app is an itinerary generator. It is the most demanded feature of tourists. A competent itinerary generator creates a travel plan automatically for you, it just asks you to mention the locations you want to visit.

Travel apps like TripHobo, allow you to include existing tourist attractions or even add custom landmarks to create your trip plan accordingly. This feature assists you in generating an entire travel plan by simply adding the location you would like to visit.

  1. Geo-Tracking Services

The successful integration of GPS-based location services has enhanced the use of travel apps. It is the most important feature of travel app development and allows users to search nearby locations for all kinds of services including hotels, cafes or nearby local attractions a tourist can avail of while on a trip.

  1. Whether or Climate Forecasting

Many times it happens that you have to make changes in your planned journey or cancel the plan due to climate change. You can prevent such situations by using a travel app’s real-time climate forecasting feature. It can predict and alert you about upcoming weather conditions, so you can plan your trip accordingly.

  1. In-App Language Translator

Another important feature of a travel app is a language translator. In most cases, tourists are unable to understand and speak the regional language of various places that they want to visit. So it becomes pretty tough to manage things and enjoy the trip to its fullest. The language translator feature in your travel app allows you to scan the texts for visual translation; and translate voice, and text messages as well, enhancing your user experience.

  1. Currency Rate Converter

The currency converter is also an essential feature of a travel app. Tourist people have to face a lot of problems when exchanging currencies, so this feature can be of great help. Using this feature, tourists can estimate the current currency exchange rates easily and quickly. It also allows you to track the current and past variations in currency rates.

  1. World Clock Time Converter

Having a world clock time converter in your travel app is essential especially when you cross the time zones. It immensely helps tourists and they are not required to look for any other time-converting apps. It is a very useful feature because it quickly calculates the correct clock times for different time zones across the world.

  1. Location-Based Emergency Services

This feature is for your safety concerns, in case if you need it will allow you to contact the location-based emergency services using your travel app irrespective of time and place. The application developer needs to add the contact number and services based on the categorization of location. This will help users to get a nearby service.

  1. Cab Services Integration

Integration of cab services in your travel app makes users' trips more convenient. Every user needs a cab service when moving from their destination to hotels or other nearby tourist attractions they want to. Most of the popular travel apps definitely integrate cab services as it is the most essential feature of any travel app.

  1. Social Feed Integration

Integrating social media tools in your app development brings you a great advantage. For users, the app will be more entertaining and engaging and the app owners will have the opportunity to enhance their app’s popularity. Real-time social media integrations allow tourists to interact with their friends and followers by sharing their experiences. This will spread the app's name among users and their friends, increasing its fame.

  1. Trip Reviews from other Travellers

An app with a review system helps increase the number of users incredibly. It can have a viral fan following on offering excellent services. By adding this feature you can allow users to share their experience and provide your feedback about the places you visit with other travelers. It spreads awareness and provides an opportunity to improve the services of hotels, cafes, and others.

Do you need a travel app development if you have a website?

A great travel mobile app can help you drive increased traffic and conversion. You need to make sure to build an easy-to-use, highly functional, and high-performance app. Since mobile devices are widely used and most people prefer mobile apps to perform their tasks, having an app for your business certainly attracts more users. You must include all the essential features in your app; also you should be updated with the latest trends and keep an eye on your competitors’ apps to stay ahead of the competition.

You are required to do thorough research and study of the current market and latest trends, various apps, and information about several tech platforms such as React Native App Development and others. To begin with the development, you are required to hire skilled and experienced travel app developers.

Bottom Line

Today, there is a wide variety of apps available in the market; most people use apps to perform their routine tasks, shopping, and others. An app, irrespective of the type, must be easy to use and include all the essential features to ensure success. However, developing an app that can generate great revenue is quite a challenge. You can hire experts of experienced Android or iOS App Development Services to tap into unexplored opportunities.

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Naveen Khanna
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