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Buying Guide for tractors

Buying Guide for tractors

India is a country which is known for its agricultural diversity. Over the years with the green revolution and globalization this industry has grown to new heights. The major factor that helps this industry is the farm mechanization system that has evolved over the years. There are various farm mechanization options available in India, such as tractors, tillers, and equipment. Get more information about Mahindra



Talking about tractors in India. The Indian tractor market has a variety of options to choose from based upon the type of agriculture and terrain of agriculture. Currently, there are more than 30 brands available in India which are offering tractors as per various needs. 


Major tractor brands like Mahindra tractors, Massey Ferguson tractors, and Sonalika tractors are dominating the market. This is due to the supreme quality and best-in-class tractors offered by them in the market. 


A tractor is a machinery that is used for various purposes such as for construction, farming, and industrial use. Over the years the tractor industry is heavily influenced by agricultural demand. Hence the majority of tractor brands are focused on targeting this market. 


The Indian tractor industry has been the fastest-growing industry over the years with an average growth of 11% but due to the pandemic, the industry was disrupted as domestic buyers count saw a downfall. But from 2020 the industry is expected to grow at a Year-on-Year rate of 19% which is 8% higher. The FY 2020-year reports reported that almost 8lakh tractors were sold in India. Get extra facts about Mahindra tractors

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