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Excimer Laser Devices are used in the area of photolithography for the production of flat sheets of glass, plastic, ceramic, and many other objects

Excimer Laser Devices are used in the area of photolithography for the production of flat sheets of glass, plastic, ceramic, and many other objects

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Excimer Laser Devices  are employed in the manufacturing of flat sheets of glass, plastic, ceramics, and a variety of other things in the field of photolithography. In the photolithography process, excimer lasers are used to separate different hues of silica, strontium oxide, and calcium carbonate. These lasers are useful for photolithography applications because of their ability to separate materials with high optical clarity.

However, when activated (by a high intensity electron beam or an electrical discharge), they can form briefly bonded molecules with themselves known as dimmers or with halogens such as fluorine or chlorine known as complexes. In its excited state, the compound can release its surplus energy through induced or spontaneous emission, resulting in a very repulsive molecule in its ground state that dissociates into two free atoms in the order of picoseconds. This is the fundamental operation of an excimer laser device.

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