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Cost & Key Features of Real Estate Mobile App Development

Giselle Shira
Cost & Key Features of Real Estate Mobile App Development

Someone looking for an apartment in a specific city must go through agents and brokers to purchase a home. They are required to pay a significant fee to their agents. The mobile applications for real estate will likely reduce the necessity for these agents and replace them with mobile phones and technology.

Mobile app development for real estate will assist you in creating an app that will not only reduce the amount of money people pay to brokers significantly and also be able to get a better view of the properties that are within their budget.

The public has shown an increasing enthusiasm for installing the apps onto their gadgets like mobile tablets, phones, iPods, laptops, and many more. In the article, we'll look at prominent features of a real estate app and the expense of the app's development.

Features & Functionalities of Real Estate App

Below is a list of the most advanced functions and features that will provide you with some idea about what you can anticipate when you start the development of your real estate app project.

  1. Social Login & Sign Up

Every app requires specifics about the user prior to making them sign-up using the application. Sign-up procedures should be easy to use and linked with a few social media platforms for quick and quick registration. Another option to sign for membership is by calling or the use of a verification code. Users should have their login accounts.

  1. Behaviour Tracking

This feature allows real property app developers or companies to evaluate the behavior of an app user and offer him leads that are compatible with the criteria he is searching for. Users define parameters and filtering for their search, which will reveal the criteria used to search for that individual to app developers.

  1. Push Notifications

It's a technique for marketing that every real estate app should include. It keeps users connected and informed about all properties listed on the app. They are constantly reminded of the app by these prompt messages that pop up on their phones.

  1. 3D Property View

Thanks to the advances in technology and the use of high-resolution images, software for real estate includes 3D views of properties which allows users are able to experience a virtual visit to the location of the property.

  1. Geolocation Tracking

Users are expected to be able to gain an idea of the exact location of the property. Therefore, this tool has been offered as a tool to aid customers in this.

  1. Interactive Map View

This feature should be present in every real estate application to help newcomers to the city find the directions of a city and evaluate the area on a virtual. An external third party can handle this feature integration.

  1. Property View (VOD)

The latest technology lets customers go on a virtual tour of the property and experience the way it appears from the outside and inside. According to research, 70% of people buying homes first think that these virtual tours are a crucial feature.

  1. Mortgage EMI Calculator

The users can double-check the authenticity of the property they are buying by using the app to assist them in making calculations of the EMI they'll need to pay to secure a loan for the property. The tool will give them an idea of how much they'll have to pay each year for the loan to their bank.

  1. Interest Rate Calculators

Much like the example above, it calculates the interest rate established by banks. The interest is calculated based on the EMI amount borrowed from any bank.

  1. Real-time Analytics

This feature informs the company behind the app when a potential buyer is interested in one of the listed properties.

  1. CMS Integration

The management of huge amounts of information from users such as profiles of buyers and sellers is made much easier through the implementation of CMS integration into real estate app development.

  1. ERP Solutions 

The app for real estate is extremely broad and offers a variety of services it offers users with a wide array of services. ERP is an option for massive-scale operations like lead management, employees management, and payment module, etc. Therefore, when you are working on a massive project for the creation of real estate-related apps ERP can be very beneficial.

All these features are easy to integrate into a mobile app built with react native. For react native app development services contact us. 

Cost of Real Estate App Development

Are you wondering how much it will cost to build an app for real estate? Similar to different apps, the price of the development of a real estate app will depend on the features offered inside the app, the complexity of the app, and the amount of time dedicated to the creation of the application. Look at the estimated cost for the time spent by app developers to develop the app:

  • U.S. Developers: $100 to $250 hour
  • Indian app creators: $25 to $50 per hour
  • Developers located within Eastern Europe: $80 to $180 an hour

These are only rough estimates and could differ between apps as well as developer-to-developer. A mobile app for real estate with many features will cost around $20000-$30000. However, if you plan to integrate the latest technology features, including numerous integrations, then the price of mobile applications for real estate development will go up and range from $50000-$200000.


Real estate is not a new concept on the web, and it has been around on the web for quite a long time. It has made it much easier for people to find homes and flats across different cities; it has eliminated the requirement for a middleman who takes the buyer to each property. With the advancement of smartphones and the expanding capacity of the internet, the real estate business has also launched a range of apps for mobile real estate that allows users to search for properties. 

React native is one of the best frameworks to develop a real estate mobile app. Contact our react native app development company to know more. 

Giselle Shira
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