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Secure your Golden memories while traveling

Secure your Golden memories while traveling

Do you know where that incredible picture was taken? If you add geolocation to pictures, you will remember it for the rest of your life. GPS Map Camera Lite app is a perfect application for you.

This geotagging app allows you to add latitude and longitude information to photos with coordinate data when geotagging them. By data about the location are available on the image, geotag applications are so handy that if you travel someplace and take pictures with them, you will be able to recall place details from these pictures and videos.

Almost every photographer today uses their phones to take fascinating photos and then share them online through well-known mobile photography forums like Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook. With various effects, filters, and personalized stamps, you can make your photos and videos even more unique and eye-catching, with GPS Camera Lite App


GPS Map Camera Lite has a variety of features that are useful such as Geotagging, Compass Direction, Date & Time. By having this app, you can tag the above information on the picture or video that you took from your smartphone camera. Thanks to the wide range of settings available within this app, With the help of this, you can incorporate different GPS Stamps into your videos and images frequently.

So, have a look at this amazing GPS Map Camera Lite: Geotag Photo Location App. Now is the time to download and get ready to build memories.

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