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All About Food Licensing - Kanakkupillai

Hemapriya kanakkupillai
All About Food Licensing - Kanakkupillai

A food license is a must for any company that deals with food and food products . The reason for introducing the FSSAI registration online process was to keep a check on the quality and standards of food in India and to reduce adulteration.

  • FSSAI Basic Registration:

Food business operators which have an annual turnover below Rs.12 lakhs like petty food manufacturers and also the small-sized manufacturers, storage units, transporters, retailers, marketers, distributors etc. are required to obtain the Basic Registration. Basic registration can be upgraded to the FSSAI State license later as your business grows.

  • FSSAI State License:

FSSAI License Online with an annual turnover of upto Rs. 20 crores [Small to medium-sized manufacturers, large storage units or medium / large transporters, retailers, marketers or distributors] are expected to obtain the State License.

  • FSSAI Central License:

Large food businesses with a turnover of above 20 crore need to obtain a Central License. An exception to the rule above is when you have operations in more than one state or when you have to import and export food. If you have operations in more than one state or import / export food, you need a Central License irrespective of your revenue.

What are the documents required for FSSAI License Registration?

The documents required for the FSSAI registration is as follows:

  • An identity proof that contains a photograph
  • A passport size photograph
  • Proof of address (State & Central License)
  • Import/export code
  • A list of directors or partners
  • A certificate of incorporation
  • The MOA or AOA of the company
  • No objection certificate from the municipality
  • Food Safety Management Plan (Can be downloaded online or the documents can be taken from the nearest Notary
  • Kitchen layout plan
  • Proof of possession of the premise (Sale Deed, Rent Agreement, Electricity Bill, etc)
  • Types of equipment to be used
  • Medical certificate of employees
  • For manufacturing units, additional documents are
    • The blueprint of the warehouse, plant, etc.
    • A list of all machinery
    • Water test report from an ISI approved facility
    • List of all food categories


Hemapriya kanakkupillai
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