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An Analysis of Cloud DevOps Consulting

martina hale
An Analysis of Cloud DevOps Consulting

What is Cloud DevOps?

DevOps is a system designed to align development and operation teams to deliver high-quality software faster, and it bridges the gap between software development and operations. DevOps works to leverage collaboration, monitoring, tool-chain pipelines, automation, and cloud adoption, resulting in you bringing your products to the market faster.

Collaboration and communication are at the core of the DevOps philosophy. This practice unites the three forces - tech operations, development, and QA – in a feedback-centric development pipeline. The result is quality, agility, security, speed, and a rich customer experience coupled with compound delivery across digital & enterprise.

Is Cloud DevOps Consulting the Right Choice for You?

Although Cloud DevOps consulting may sound deeply tempting at first glance, it is important to identify whether DevOps consulting services is the answer for you. One way to do so is to identify if the points listed below are of concern to you and your company:

  • Differences in the configurations of development, testing and production environments
  • The lack of collaboration between the teams (development, testing, system administration, and security) resulting in a slow software delivery and low software quality
  • The slow manual process of providing new IT infrastructure
  • Post-release errors affecting user or customer experience or business operations
  • Time-consuming infrastructure modifications, software updates and bug fixing
  • A slow and inefficient testing process due to insufficient test automation
  • Specific lag points as a result of issues in communication, non-automated procedures, testing errors, or collaborative differences, resulting in negative user feedback

The Benefits of Cloud DevOps Consulting

Another option is to look at what benefits Cloud DevOps consulting can offer you, and to see if those sound like something worthy of your company’s patronage. Some of the advantages that all DevOps consulting services offer are listed below; of course, it must be borne in mind that all consulting services are unique, and offer one-of-a-kind advantages as an edge over their competitors.

  • DevOps allow you to build faster by getting better deployment and infrastructure management processes to launch your products faster
  • They cut costs by putting a stop to costly mistakes in deployment. With alerts, you can fix bugs proactively and improve reliability of software integration and deployment, thereby using automation to ensure a lean operation
  • Quality is improved as a result of automated functional and integration tests, which give you more bandwidth to do your job. This allows you to focus your time on improving the product, leading to a better output
  • Operational efficiency‎ is improved, as a more stable operating environment is created and repetitive tasks are automated
  • Business risk is reduced, and client satisfaction improved, through faster responses to feedback. Implementing a DevOps program will result in more frequent deployments and fantastic customer experience
  • Resiliency of product and solution is increased – the operational state is more stable and secure and changes are systematically auditable, leading to a more reliable, robust end result

How to Choose a Cloud DevOps Consulting Service

By this point, we can assume that you’ve decided that Cloud DevOps is the right fit for your company. However, choosing a right consulting service is an entirely different beast. Luckily, we have a short checklist of what the ideal DevOps consulting service should do for you. The consultant or firm you hire should: 

  • Assess your current state of software delivery process, including deployment and operations
  • Consult on adjustments to software architecture, the tools you use, and test automation
  • Deliver end-to-end solutions tailored specifically to your business requirements
  • Offer consulting & coaching to configure tools to help your team become more efficient
  • Educate & train your technical leaders on tips and tricks for using various DevOps techniques


The only real way to know, of course, if a solution in and of itself, as well as a specific consulting service, are the right fit for you is to evaluate your company’s needs and status quo. Having looked over where the company lacks, and what edge competitors have over it, can help identify problem areas, which can then be used as metrics to identify dearth. This dearth can indicate the need for new methods, such as Cloud DevOps consulting, as well as help decide which individual vendor, such as specific DevOps consulting services, are truly the best fit for you and your company, or if the newest and latest advancement in automation and efficiency is something that you can afford to skip out on.

martina hale
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