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Richmond Hill Vestibular Rehabilitation

Maya Physio
Richmond Hill Vestibular Rehabilitation

Vestibular rehabilitation is a fairly new approach in physiotherapy treatment. It is made for people who have vestibular disorders and are suffering from Dizziness, Vertigo, or complain of Balance problems.

Vestibular rehabilitation is a program based in exercise. It is meant to aleviate the symptoms of vestibular dysfunctions such as Motion sensitivity (where quick movements of the head causes dizziness), and problems with gaze stability, or positional vertigo.

How We Can Help

If you want to transform the state of your body's health, look no further than our clinic here at Maya Physio. We offer the best of the best when it comes to health & wellness services. From start to finish, our professional physicians will be there to help you recover your body and bring it back to its best state possible. To find out more about our Richmond Hill Vestibular Rehabilitation, be sure to visit our website and call our front desk today!

Maya Physio
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