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Learn Coding For Newbies

Learn How To Code
Learn Coding For Newbies

Learning programming is now available to everyone thanks to the availability of many online learning resources and the availability of a large number of sites that allow learning programming from scratch easily. In addition to saving money in working on some simple software projects, in addition to the possibility of starting a start-up project that needs knowledge of programming, and among the advantages that learning programming provides is also choosing or hiring the most appropriate people to work on your projects, whether a website, a web application or a phone application, in addition to supervising their work completion, and finally you can Starting to learn programming from scratch as a step in professionalizing this field, in which there are great job opportunities, whether fixed jobs or in self-employment.

It is one of the best Arabic sites that provide learning programming from scratch for beginners for free, through educational articles and educational courses in the Arabic language, in addition to examples, applications, exercises, and others. And many other paths, which gives everyone who wants to learn programming a clear plan from the beginning to professionalism. Like this one also

A way to get acquainted with the basics of programming starts with the programming languages that enable us to communicate with the computer by giving it directions and instructions that it can understand and implement. Programming languages, like human languages, have strict rules that must be followed and adhered to. It is estimated that there are between 500 and 2,000 active general-purpose programming languages by some statistics, which is quite a number, but the majority of programmers in the world only use a few dozen of them.

The computer does not understand programming languages directly, it only understands one language, the binary language, which consists of a sequence of the values 1 and 0 (hence the name), so programming languages are usually translated into binary through a program called the compiler (compiler) before the computer executes it.


Learn How To Code
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