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Be Careful, Don’t Buy a Perfect but Useless LoRaWAN Gateway!

RAKwireless Technology Limited
Be Careful, Don’t Buy a Perfect but Useless LoRaWAN Gateway!

Before, we introduced what is a LoRaWAN gateway, the composition of the LoRaWAN gateway, and its working principle. After understanding this theoretical knowledge, today I will help you to choose a LoRaWAN gateway correctly?

Generally speaking, there are two points to consider when choosing a LoRaWAN gateway. First, Whether the functional features of this gateway meet your needs, and second, what are the main deployment scenarios of this product and how to use it.

This article takes the LoRaWAN gateway of the RAK series as an example and analyzes the power consumption, number of channels, antenna, range and other aspects, so that everyone can quickly choose the correct and suitable gateway. For example: suitable for indoor and outdoor or for personal development and business.

Read full article here - https://wp.me/p82TdK-4Q

RAKwireless Technology Limited
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