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How to build a LoRaWAN® gateway? Make your own

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How to build a LoRaWAN® gateway? Make your own

In previous articles, we discussed What is a LoRaWAN gateway and How do LoRaWAN gateways work. It is time to dive even deeper into the pool of knowledge regarding gateways and learn how to make one. We will give you two building options, so keep reading.

We’ve mentioned that LoRaWAN is a Low Power, Wide Area Networking protocol designed to connect your nodes and sensors to the Internet wirelessly. A LoRaWAN gateway is a must in every scenario. You can always buy a commercial, premade one, and easily deploy it straight from the box, but this article is for people who like to build and test things on their own! As we said, two cases will be considered below. One will be using a Raspberry Pi single-board computer as a host to process incoming and outgoing traffic. The other case will demonstrate how to configure a Linux machine to act as a gateway. Let's build!

Read complete article here - https://news.rakwireless.com/how-to-build-a-lorawan-gateway-make-your-own/

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