AI Products 

Dynamics CRM Marketing Automation Software Tools

SalesDirector.ai, Inc
Dynamics CRM Marketing Automation Software Tools

Understand what is working and what's not so you can do more of what is.

Tie Marketing Campaigns to Revenue

CampaignHub connects your Marketing Campaigns, Leads and Contacts to dollars. Prove exactly how much Opportunity Value and Revenue your Marketing campaigns are driving.

Measure Campaign Effectiveness in Real-Time

Understand how a campaign is performing from the highest level - revenue & opportunity value attribution - all the way down to the actual conversations members are having with Sales.

Drive Sales Activity Around Your Leads
See Sales email, call, and meeting activity right alongside Campaign members. Identify qualified leads that Sales hasn’t engaged with and drive action by notifying the lead owner.
Visit Us for More Information:- https://www.salesdirector.ai/solution-marketing/
SalesDirector.ai, Inc
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