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Best Social Media Management Tools- Price, Reviews and Features

Imfule eCommerce Social Media Management Platform
Best Social Media Management Tools- Price, Reviews and Features

Are you facing challenges in bulk eCommerce product data feed management for social selling? Or, do you have to spend a lot of time scheduling fresh eCommerce product feed for different social channels? Imfule enables you to easily manage and publish your eCommerce product data content for different social channels. In just a few clicks, you can authenticate and connect your store ( one store or multi-stores) with social media channels, schedule time-sensitive product data feeds (daily, weekly, and monthly), and then automatically publish across multiple social media platforms.

Imfule also helps you improve team productivity and capture more audience  engagement on social media by ensuring quality, timely, and compelling product data feed. Imfule’s objective is to inspire your team to spend less time on product data fee management and spend more time on generating new ideas for social selling. Key benefits of Imfule are:

  • Get all the crucial product information in a single place
  • Link together your different eCommerce stores and social channels for hassle- free management
  • Schedule any product data feed for different days and times, while making sure that every post remains fresh without having any delays
  • No more multiple logins, clutter-free scheduling, and deliver timely product data feed without burning unnecessary resources and time
  • Eliminate time spent on tedious tasks like manually posting to Facebook or Twitter
  • Manage your time smartly so that you can focus your efforts in other areas


Imfule supports eCommerce platforms like Shopify and Prestashop. Try Imfule today and work smarter, not harder!

Visit Here>> https://imfule.com

Imfule eCommerce Social Media Management Platform
Zupyak is the world’s largest content marketing community, with over 400 000 members and 3 million articles. Explore and get your content discovered.
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