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How Can A DAP Assist Business Owners With Insights And Analytics?

Hazel Raoult
How Can A DAP Assist Business Owners With Insights And Analytics?

To understand what a digital adoption platform (DAP) is and how it can help you as a business owner, it’s a good idea to first gain a primer on the phrase “digital adoption” itself.

So what is digital adoption? In essence, digital adoption can be defined as an organizational state in which digital tools are being used as intended, and leveraged to their fullest extent by all the employees.

And as you’d expect, digital adoption is closely linked with employee efficiency and engagement, as well as customer experience. That’s because your workforce can be its most productive self, and consequently deliver the best possible service to customers, only when it’s using the available digital tools to their fullest potential.

Thus, successful digital adoption is instrumental to your business performance and growth outlook. So how can you ensure complete digital adoption on a company-wide level?

Enter DAPs. A digital adoption platform is basically software meant to facilitate the adoption of new technology, especially enterprise-level applications.

A DAP integrates completely with a host application and aids users to quickly learn how to make the most of that application. It provides walk-throughs, videos, self-help guides, etc. to guide the user through every aspect of the application, thus improving new user onboarding and driving the adoption of useful features that may otherwise be overlooked.

Realizing the importance of effective digital adoption, more and more businesses are leveraging DAPs. In fact, the DAP software market had a market value of $43.11 million in 2018 and by 2028, it is expected to reach $162.84 million, growing at a CAGR of 15.5%.

So let’s see how a DAP helps businesses reach new heights.

Benefits of a DAP

There are many benefits of using a DAP. Let’s take a quick look at the top three concrete ones below.

Higher customer satisfaction

If customers are using only part of your product, they are not able to appreciate its full value. The guidance, onboarding, and training features of a DAP ensure that customers use your business application to its fullest capabilities and with minimal frustration and errors.

Self-help features and an intuitive onboarding experience not only simplify your customer’s experience with your product but also saves your company time and costs in terms of lower customer support tickets.

Plus, with built-in survey features in a DAP, you can easily get feedback from your customers to find areas of improvement and then adjust your training content accordingly.

Thus, a DAP reduces the time to value for customers, which translates to higher customer satisfaction and retention.

Increased efficiency and productivity

Purchasing enterprise software alone doesn’t make employees more efficient — they must be able to use the new tool like it’s second nature. So, effective onboarding and training, with the help of a DAP, is what makes employees more productive.

A DAP serves as a dedicated employee training tool that simplifies the creation and implementation of training programs and interactive guides. It also evaluates the effectiveness of the training and app onboarding using built-in analytics.

Simply put, an in-app, real-time training platform minimizes the time it takes for employees to fully adopt the new software. It acts as an interactive virtual assistant that introduces and guides through all the features of the new tool, so employees get up to speed quickly and maintain peak productivity.

Improved employee experience

As your business undergoes a complete digital transformation, with an increasing number of digital tools, employees may become overwhelmed by the multitude of platforms they must use.

A DAP improves employee experience by walking them through the new tools in the most efficient and user-friendly way. It learns the user’s behavior, understanding where and when guidance is needed.

A DAP also reduces the feeling of pressure on employees by allowing them to master new software at their own pace.

And when the adoption of new software becomes a cakewalk, employees can spend more time doing meaningful work they enjoy, rather than worrying about learning new tools or doing tedious administrative work.

DAP in Analytics

The benefits outlined above are qualitative in nature. Here’s how a DAP helps your business quantitatively.

Track users’ engagement rate

The built-in user analytics of a DAP allows you to determine what’s working and what’s not so you can make adjustments to your onboarding and training content for stronger results.

For example, with a WalkMe alternatives such as Whatfix, you can track user engagement and content use to learn what features of the software employees/customers use more, and what features are going underutilized.

A better user engagement rate means better and faster user adoption of new software.

Real-time feedback

A DAP also enables you to collect real-time feedback during and after onboarding to see how you can further improve software adoption across the organization.

With pre-designed surveys inside your DAP, you can ask whether there are features or topics where employees/customers would like to see more training content and in which format.

In doing so, you continually improve the adoption of new technology by your employees and customers.

Monitoring individual employee performance

When you bring in new enterprise software, you’re aiming to boost employee performance in certain areas of day-to-day operations. So how do you keep track of whether that’s actually happening or not?

A digital adoption platform provides individual employee metrics such as progress per user, task fails, the engagement rate for specific functionalities of the software, goal completions, etc.

So you can easily monitor individual employee performance and gain insights into where team members are facing trouble, and consequently, provide personalized support.

Ascertaining consumers’ pain points

Last but not least, you can combine real-time feedback and insights from user analytics to find out your customers’ key pain points in using your digital product, and then devise a strategy to minimize or even eliminate it.

Closing thoughts

Through insights, proactive engagement, contextual guidance, and analytics, a DAP serves as an accelerator that turns all your tools and software into true digital assets for your employees.

And so, by helping to maximize the return on investment from your digital toolkit and workforce, a DAP can be one of the wisest software investments you can make as a business owner aiming to achieve faster growth and better profitability.

Hazel Raoult
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