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Pregnancy Acne: Know the Causes and Treatment

Nitika Negi
Pregnancy Acne: Know the Causes and Treatment

During pregnancy, your body goes through a lot of changes. Due to tremendous changes in hormones, you experience a lot of changes in your body during pregnancy. Among those changes, acne is the most common one.


Due to changes in hormones, you might experience many problems. During pregnancy, your skin becomes extra sensitive leading to acne or some other skin problems. If your skin is acne-prone or too oily, you'll experience worse breakouts during the first trimester of pregnancy.

Other issues besides hormone fluctuations can also contribute to pregnancy acne like stress and strain. For instance, pregnant women can sometimes overstress and stress is clear-skin kryptonite.


It's very important to make sure you take a safe treatment for acne because now you have a little tot inside you. It's your responsibility to keep him/her safe. The following are few simple and harmless ways to treat your acne:skincare products


  • Safe ingredients:

The best way to protect your skin from these breakouts is with a product that contains glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, erythromycin or witch hazel. Generally, dermatologists don't encourage the use of topical retinoids such as Retin-A or Differin or salicylic acid because they can be harmful to your little one.


  • Drink water:


Drinking lots of water will definitely improve your skin texture naturally. You must have heard your doctor recommending you to drink lots of water. It is because water helps to flush out toxins from the body and cleanse it.


  • Natural products:


Natural products always show the best result. It is quite normal to experience some skin damages on the face during the pregnancy period. But don’t worry sweetie, they can be recovered if you use no product other than a herbal one. Choose products according to your skin type. You can also try home remedies like applying raw milk and aloe vera gel.


  • Use sunscreen:


Don’t go out without sunscreen, especially during your pregnancy as your skin is extra sensitive to the sun at this particular time. Your skin may not show good results with the sun or new skincare products. And that’s why it is important to put on sunscreen whenever you are stepping out.


  • Try exfoliating:

Reason behind pregnancy acne is pores clogged with oil, so make sure to keep them clear with mechanical exfoliants. These products contain nutshells and other natural substances which help scrub away dead skin and keep the skin healthy and acne-free.

These are few safe and easy ways to clear acne naturally without causing any harm to your little one. To all those beautiful pregnant ladies, do not worry or feel stressed. You're doing good and you'll definitely do good later too. Keep smiling :)

Read More: Your Guide to a Pregnancy-Safe Skin Care Routine

Nitika Negi
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