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Audit Firms ,Accounting Firms and Auditors in Dubai | Spectrum

Spectrum Accounts
Audit Firms ,Accounting Firms and Auditors in Dubai | Spectrum

Spectrum Accounting and Auditing may be a medium sized accounting, auditing and tax consulting company based in Dubai. Our constant go after continuous growth is that the foundation for high-quality accountancy, audit and advisory services. the range of skills and technical expertise available with Spectrum along side its affiliated offices caters to all or any sorts of needs of its clients throughout United Arab Emirates, Middle East and India. Our Vision is to be the foremost trusted and reliable professional services firm recognized by our clients for excellence in delivery. Our Mission is to render our clients with the very best quality professional services that addresses their business issues. We attract, recruit, and retain the simplest of talent within the profession, and supply a collaborative culture that permits them to thrive professionally and personally.


Address : Trade Core Business Centre, CBD Building, Al Mankhool, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, P.O.Box : 379682

Phn No.: +971 50 986 6466

EMAIL: info@spectrumaccounts.com

Spectrum Accounts
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