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Investing in Innovation means Investing in Future.

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Investing in Innovation means Investing in Future.

What are the qualities that separate an innovative leader? It is their innovative planning and strategy to apply in challenging situations.

Today’s innovative business leaders – Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, and many others- display their strength to stay ahead with their cutting-edge platforms. Their contribution to the world is huge, and that’s what inspires other leaders to work with the same vision, leading the business.

What follows innovative leadership is continuous communication, leading with positive work culture, and strengthening business relations. To have such enthusiasm and commitment encourages everyone in the team to work and achieve the company's common goal. It helps create an environment of new opportunities that encourage innovative ideas and build team spirit among the members.

In the journey of innovative leadership, challenges will always be a part of it, like staying consistent with the advanced innovations and making sure everyone in the organization feels involved in this process. Reviewing the leadership journey and taking calculated risks will help to deal with such challenges. Ultimately, innovation has the power to transform the world, and leadership will be a big part of it. It is one of the promising answers to the most complex problems, as it is massively helping leaders add value to their business and inspire many lives.

With such impactful innovations all around us, business leaders should take every opportunity to contribute to their respective industries and the world, just like the above leaders. All it takes is to have an attitude of never giving up, experimenting with new things, and having a proactive approach to rising in every challenging situation.

Future companies are ready to build their structure around innovation, and for business leaders having an innovative mindset is essential to thriving in the business world.

In this edition of “The 10 Most Innovative Business Leaders Revampingthe Future, 2021”, we have handpicked leaders who have set a striking example for upcoming leaders and entrepreneurs to follow.

On the cover, we have featured Mrs. Areej Mohsin Haider Darwish. Areej is the Chairperson of Automotive, Construction Equipment and Renewable Energy (ACERE) Cluster of Mohsin Haider Darwish LLC (MHD LLC). She has risen the corporate ladder steadily and steered the business to new heights through her sound leadership qualities and innovative talent. She heads the organization’s diverse operations in Oman & overseas. She says that competition is good because it fosters innovation. Her leadership, professional management, relentless dedication, and ability to identify opportunities have helped the organization reach the peak of success.

You will find more such inspiring stories of business leaders in this edition who have brought a drastic transformation in their respective sectors. Also, do not forget to go through insightful articles created by our in-house editorial team.

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