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What is Small Business Branding?

Nicole Botello
What is Small Business Branding?

In simple terms, branding is a marketing strategy for creating a name , logo and design that will identify and differentiate your product from all other products.

But is it that simple? Branding is also about differentiating yourself from your competitors and how the audience or whoever will perceive your company. Ultimately, it is the brand that will shape consumer expectations of your services or products.

How to create a brand

1. Define your brand

The first step is to answer a few questions to help identify your brand. This is the first step in branding:

• What is the mission of your company?

• What are its main characteristics?

• What other characteristics should your company have?

• What is your target audience?

• What are the goals of the company?

2. Come up with a logo and color palette


We put it first for a reason. Because if you think that it is not that important, then you are very wrong. The point is that the human brain is extremely sensitive to visual stimuli. And color plays an important role here. Each color and tone carries a specific message that we perceive on a subconscious level.

Let's take a look at some of the colors and associations that they evoke in us:

○ Pink: femininity, love, tranquility

○ Red: strength, passion

○ Orange: health, energy, warmth, delight

○ Green: nature, serenity, money

○ Blue: peace, loyalty, purity, trust

○ Purple: magic, creativity, royalty

○ White: purity, neatness, simplicity

○ Black: strength, sophistication

○ Brown: countryside, nature, masculinity


Making a good working logo takes many hours of professional design work. Because a logo is your identity. This is what makes your company, product or service recognized.

The development of a company logo is an extremely important element of branding. It is not created for a day or a year: it should be relevant in ten years. Don't forget this.

Also, when rebranding a logo, it is worth keeping in mind how you are going to use it (online, on billboards, business cards, etc.). You will need to rebranding a logo to suit every possible use case. The next stage is the development of a corporate identity , where fonts, colors and patterns will already be thought out.

3. Come up with a slogan

A slogan is a unique phrase that links your name to your brand. Creating a good slogan is no easier than coming up with a logo.

Here's a quick tip for creating a tagline. Don't focus entirely on what your product or service is. Instead, think about the benefits they provide. This is how a good slogan works: it explains why we should choose a particular product.

Examples of the best slogans:

○ Nike: “Just do it.”

○ LG: “Life's Good”

○ Apple: “Think Different”

○ Lego: “Play on”

○ Walmart: “Save Money Live Better”

○ Delivery Club: “There is happiness.”

○ L'Oreal: “Because you deserve it.”

○ Ecologic: “Leave your mark on history, not on the planet”

4. Integrate the brand

And now that your brand is ready, you must integrate it into all aspects of the company. The development of a brand book will help a lot in this . And it is easier for small businesses here: employees of small companies are in contact with customers more often.

Don't neglect employee training so that no one breaks your branding strategy. It is very important. Why? Let's try to explain this using the example of a cleaning company whose slogan is "professionalism and cleanliness", and its employees are dressed in dirty and untidy uniforms. This discrepancy will cast doubt on the firm's reliability.

5. Be consistent and authentic

Finally, make sure that whatever you do on behalf of your company aligns with your branding strategy. Otherwise, you are more likely to alienate your audience than to attract it.

Branding creation. Conclusion

As we can see, branding plays a key role in creating a website , especially a successful and effective one. If you follow our advice, you can set a new direction for your business.

Nicole Botello
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