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4 things you should know about elmiron

4 things you should know about elmiron

Elmiron aka pentosan polysulfate sodium is a medication drug used to treat a disorder called interstitial cystitis which is a certain bladder disorder. There's no cure for interstitial cystitis, however, pain may be managed by Elmiron. it is also blood thinner and can increase the risk of bruising or bleeding from the nostril or gums. however, new studies link Elmiron with extreme aspect effects, consisting of excessive eye damage. and lots of patients are wondering: “Is Elmiron safe to use?”

Janssen pharmaceuticals the organization that makes Elmiron without a doubt doesn’t recognize how the drug works! Experts speculate that it works by sticking to the bladder surface. It wards off urine from reaching the bladder wall cells. If you had to take prescribed Elmiron as the medication you should definitely need to know about the side effects caused by this so call medication drug.

It can develop a unique form of progressive eye damage

Consumption of Elmiron can develop a form of progressive eye damage. It can be recognized through ophthalmologists as retinal maculopathy, retinal pigmentary endothelium injury, or age-associated macular degeneration. Researchers found out that people who use Elmiron for longer terms have a greater chance of developing retinal maculopathy. These people were shown to have reading difficulties as well as adapting to low-light situations. The distressing fact about this drug consumption is that. The eye damage in patients can develop even after the patient has stopped taking Elmiron.

Side effects caused by Elmiron is irreversible 

Most of the side effects caused by the other medications will stop or fade away after stopping the usage of the medication. But in this case, patients may still develop eye damage even after stopping the take of Elmiron. It is really advisable that if you take Elmiron for your interstitial cystitis then you should probably consult an ophthalmologist and should do a regular check-up on your eye. It’s very important that your eye doctor be aware of your Elmiron consumption, So He/She can help you to establish a baseline of the health of your retinas.

It also has other side effects 

The usage of Elmiron also causes other side effects too! It is a prescription drug that has a lot of side effects. Which are

  • Hair loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea
  • Bloody stool
  • Headaches
  • Rash
  • Upset stomach
  • Abnormal liver functions
  • Dizziness
  • Bruising

You may be eligible for Elmiron Lawsuit

in case you are experiencing any of the side effects after the usage of Elmiron, you need to contact a law firm as soon as you could. cause you'll be entitled to financial reimbursement. The Elmiron manufactures are facing legal actions regarding this dangerous medication. It is necessary to see an ophthalmologist and establish a baseline of the health of your retinas, so it can be used as a piece of evidence for your lawsuit.

If you have taken Elmiron for your disease and have suffered serious side effects like eye damage then you will receive financial compensation from the company. The side effects that make you eligible for financial compensation are.

  • Blurred vision
  • Degenerative maculopathy
  • Halo vision
  • Macular retinopathy
  • Macular/pattern dystrophy
  • Maculopathy
  • Metamorphopsia
  • Pigmentary maculopathy
  • Reduced night vision
  • Retinal pigment epithelium atrophy
  • Retinopathy
  • Scotoma
  • Unilateral or bilateral blindness
  • Vision impairment
  • Vision loss

When you file a lawsuit, it will be alleged that Janssen Pharmaceuticals the company that makes Elmiron failed to warn patients about the known eye damage that can occur to them. So they are responsible for your eye damage, hence you should be given compensation for the damage caused by the medicine their company produced. 

There are already 500+ Elmiron lawsuits in the federal court in the previous month. People who were prescribed Elmiron have suffered from severe Eye damage are filing lawsuits against the manufacturers.

Elmiron is still not being recalled even after finding out this medication can damage the eyes of the patients. They only added a warning on the label related to retinal maculopathy.

Many people have already filed lawsuits against Elmiron. Last October woman named Deborah Quick filed a lawsuit against the company that makes Elmiron by saying that long-term use of Elmiron caused her retinal maculopathy. she was prescribed Elmiron in 2002 for her interstitial cystitis and she took the drug as prescribed by way of her doctor from 2002 to 2020. After using the Elmiron for several years in 2009 she was informed that she was developing problems with her vision. She was then diagnosed with Elmiron-caused retinal maculopathy. She file a complaint against Janssen Pharmaceuticals by saying that, the company failed to warn the Elmiron users about the eye damage it caused.

Researches have shown that Elmiron users have over pigmented and yellow-orange deposits in their retinal pigment epithelium. This layer of the retina has many purposes so over pigmentation means something is not right. Nothing about the Elmiron is still clear, No one clearly knows how the Elmiron works or how it Affects the retinal pigment epithelium.

Stopping the usage of Elmiron cannot reverse the effect it cause on your eyes. But the drug use can stop eye damage from worsening. After finding out the retinal side effects of Elmiron in June 2020 a new warning about the retinal damage was issued on the drugs’ label. It took 24 years to warn people about the severe side effect caused by Elmiron. Many believe that Janssen Pharmaceuticals already knew about the side effects the drug may cause but they stayed silent until the research was out in 2018.

You can file a lawsuit against Janssen Pharmaceuticals, and get financial compensation for not warning anyone about the side effects caused by Elmiron. This compensation covers medical bills related to your Elmiron eye damage , wage loss if any, compensation for your sufferings, etc.

If you think about how much compensation you will get from this lawsuit, the actual value is currently unknown, but it can vary from 25000 to more than half a million, But these values are just a guess, it can or cannot be true.

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