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Ceramic or Porcelain tiles, what is better for your bathroom?

Stonelam Surfaces LLP
Ceramic or Porcelain tiles, what is better for your bathroom?

Choosing the right type of flooring or wall cladding options is downright decided by how much they can withstand the continuous wet & humid conditions. Having a water-resistant property is indeed the key factor in choosing the perfect decor for your bathroom but what are the other factors to keep in mind before choosing the right material? Stonelam will describe such factors as follows;

What is the difference between Ceramic and Porcelain tiles?

For the casual eye, they can easily get confused between ceramic and porcelain tiles and consider them the same thing born out of stone. But in hindsight, there’s a much larger difference when you dive into it more deeply. 

Although both are obtained from baking clay, Ceramic tile is glazed at a lower temperature compared to Porcelain hence it turns out to be softer and less dense in comparison. Hence why Ceramic is easy to cut into smaller tiles

Porcelain on the other hand is made from more refined clay that is more durable and denser in comparison.

Porcelain tiles have a low absorption rate to water

Ceramic tiles have a higher absorption rate as compared to porcelain tiles which are manufactured to withstand humid and moist environments. When it comes to remodeling kitchen floors, porcelain tiles are a far better long-term option to withstand the constant wet conditions.

The color of porcelain tiles do not fade away for a long time

If your bathroom is installed with Ceramic tiles, you may have noticed a few yellow patches on it. Because of ceramic tiles’ high absorption rate, they react very quickly to moisture & chemicals present in the air. Porcelain tiles on the other hand retain their color for a long period of time due to their low absorption rate.

Porcelain tiles are resistant to scratches

Since Porcelain tiles are manufactured to be denser, it is resistant to scratches and chippings. You don’t enjoy this luxury with ceramic tiles as their thin property is more susceptible to scratches.


The only thing Ceramic Tiles have over Porcelain tiles is that it is available at a cheaper price. But with Porcelain tiles, you invest in a premium material that is bound to provide a long-term solution to your bathroom redesigning.

Stonelam is a joint-venture between Stonex & Laminam from Italy to distribute Italy’s finest porcelain tiles for applications to be used in bathroom, kitchen, interior decor, and facades.

Stonelam Surfaces LLP
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