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Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification Training

Microsoft Azure Administrator Certification Training

The Microsoft Azure administrator certification training course will help you practice and prepare for the AZ-104 exam and provide the Microsoft azure administrator certificate. This Azure AZ 104 certification will provide your career with the right leverage against the competition.

Why should you go for the Microsoft Azure administrator certification?

  • The top MNCs in the world like 3M, Heineken, NBC sports, Citrix, UST Global, Mindtree, TCS, Wipro, Infosys, and many others have started using the Microsoft Azure Training platform across several industrial domains.

  • As per research, by 2022, 90% of the enterprises will use both the IaaS and PaaS capabilities from the cloud service provider. Therefore, with the right Azure AZ 104 certification, you will be able to associate with the top MNCs around the world. 

  • As per job boards, the average salary for Microsoft Azure Administrator ranges from $66,312 per year for an Administrator to $120,227 per year for a Cloud Engineer. With the Azure administrator certification, you can accomplish the salary hike you have been expecting from organizations. 

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