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Toqeer Khan

As you know, vaping gets a lot of bad press.

While we occasionally hear positive reports about the health benefits of e-cigarettes, they are usually overwhelmed by the coverage of hypothetical risks and exaggerated dangers.

Recently, 15 former Presidents of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco (SRNT) co-authored an article in the American Journal of Public Health claiming that the potential positive effect of vaping on public health is being ignored or distorted by powerful interests and pressure groups. Hold on!

Even the best scientists and researchers in relevant fields are ignored when their research does not match the popular message that vaping is just as bad, if not worse than smoking!

This article can bring clarity and simplicity to this topic with a fair amount of real benefits.

So according to Flowers Cannabis below are the different pros and cons of using vapes.

Benefits of Vaping

  • It's Safer than Smoking

The British Royal College of Physicians and Public Health England and the American National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine all agree that vaping is safer than smoking cigarettes.

PHE says vaping is "at least 95% less harmful". Because there is no combustion when vaping, there is no smoke, and the smoke is what creates the tar and carbon monoxide which causes most of the long term health damage. Due to smoking.

The health benefits came from being smoke free, which includes improved lung and heart function, as well as the sense of smell and taste.

  •  No more Harmful Odors

One of the biggest advantages of vaping is that your clothes, your house, your car ... will no longer smell of cold tobacco.

In fact, even tobacco flavored electronic cigarettes do not smell like burnt tobacco at all. For many people, the smell of steam is barely noticeable. You may even receive compliments on the good ambient smell!

  • Control of Nicotine Intake

Vaping gives you full control over your nicotine dosage. The e-liquid is available in a variety of strengths. You can choose exactly the amount of nicotine in your vape or use no nicotine at all.

Most vapers tend to start off with high levels of nicotine and gradually decrease to lower levels, or even eliminate it altogether.

  • Control of Steam Production

Vaping allows you to control the amount of vapor you breathe in, which is an important part of the experience.

Some vapers prefer smaller devices like pod vapes for convenience and low vapor volume, and others like powerful mods for power vaping.

Adjusting the power output, air flow and resistance type allows you to further fine tune your vapor volume, which also affects flavor.

  • Flavors for All Palates

There are virtually endless flavor options in e-liquids. The most popular flavor categories are fruits, desserts, drinks, menthol, and classic.

And if you don't like what is commercially available, you can always make your own juice thanks to DIY !

  •  Instant Satisfaction

While advanced electronic cigarettes may require some initial DIY, there are many simpler products that come pre-filled and ready to use.

  • Prices for All Budgets

The vaping market is large and competitive. There are many products in all price ranges from 10 to hundreds of dollars that can suit almost any user.

Whether you want a simple disposable e-cig or a sophisticated box and premium e-liquid , there is always a product to start vaping.

  • No Experience Necessary

You can have a great vaping experience immediately as a beginner. Between starter kits and single pod vapes, there are plenty of quality vaping products that don't require any prior experience.

  • Access and Availability

Nowadays, you can find good vaping products in vape shops , on the internet and even in tobacco shops .

Cons of Vaping

  • Too Many Choices

For a new vaper or a smoker considering a switch, the endless options presented in the vaping market can be overwhelming.

With cigarettes, you choose a brand and you light your cigarette, but with vaping, there are literally millions of possible choices.

That's why it's best to steer curious vapers to easy-to-use products with simple instructions to get started, and then to good sources of additional information (vape shops, forums, experienced vapers) as you go. that new vapers learn the intricacies.

  • The Learning Curve of Vaping

Perhaps the greatest danger for a novice vaper is purchasing a product that requires specialist knowledge.

Often times, they find themselves confused and frustrated, and regret having tried to switch to vaping.

Again, there is no need for long hours of learning! Simple starter products are almost always the best first choice.

  • Potential Health Risks

It is true that vaping is too new for us to understand all the potential risks it could pose.

But if you use vaping to avoid smoking, you can rest easier knowing that you have stepped away from the dangers of smoking.

The point is, adults of all ages vape - and the legal age to buy e-cigarettes is 18 - but for those who are now turning to e-cigarettes, soon after the era of "JUUL panic" It may not be easy to separate the harm reduction benefits of vaping from the fashion perception of teens.

  • Nicotine Misinformation

Nicotine is probably as misunderstood as any drug in the world. It's actually just a mild stimulant that has effects similar to caffeine.

But because its history is inevitably linked to smoking, a very dangerous delivery mechanism, nicotine has a terrible reputation.

Nicotine doesn't cause cancer or heart disease, but many people confuse the effects of nicotine with smoking, including doctors who regularly treat longtime smokers.

Nicotine can actually provide health benefits for many users.

  • Restrictive Laws and Rules

Based primarily on the vaping "epidemic" promoted by anti-vaping organizations, vaping has become a ripe target for laws and regulations that reduce the choices, availability, and costs of vaping.

More than half of U.S. states impose taxes on vaping products, and Congress recently passed a law prohibiting the delivery of these products by the U.S. Postal Service.

Vaping is a disruptive technology that threatens the tobacco industry, but it also threatens the powerful anti-tobacco industry.

It can be very difficult for a smoker or new vaper to separate the lies from the truth about vaping as these powerful enemies advance their stories in all types of media and even through allied federal agencies. It's easy to scare.

Now you can better understand the pros and cons of vaping.

There are a number of positives and negatives. But if you consider vaping to be an alternative to smoking, it should be obvious that it is the better choice of the two.

The vapotage is a success because it offers nicotine and an experience similar to that of smoking but without the combustion products that make it deadly smoking.

Whatever you decide, at least do it with a clear idea of ​​the pros and cons of vaping.

Toqeer Khan
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