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Frequently Asked Question About Home Painting Services in Kolkata

Sunshine Home Painting Service
Frequently Asked Question About Home Painting Services in Kolkata

1. What People Say About Professional Painting Services?

● The whole team was friendly. Selected color and texture for interior and told them to paint the best and they gave a nice makeover to the walls. They fixed damage in walls and also are affordable and completed work in the provided deadline.

● In Kolkata, it is difficult to get so many features in a single roof. They work very well and I never felt any issue after then, my interiors look great and I love spending time with my family in between these beautiful walls.

● The one feature I liked most is that they have experienced professionals working and thus they make you aware of every possibility. Having a low budget but they did their work so efficiently that also managed and nobody can figure it out.

2. Do the paints on the interiors and exteriors change automatically over time? What is the cost of exterior home painting services in Kolkata per square feet?


If water-based paints are used on the interiors and exteriors, they will be susceptible to wear and tear. Adverse weather conditions can make the colors fade away over time resulting in different hues. It depends on the design, color or combinations you choose, as well as the type of service you need whether painting or renovation. The average cost of exterior house painting in Kolkata is INR 18 per square foot. If you opt for high-quality paint it will cost you between INR 22 to 35 per square feet. The cost may increase if your wall needs additional repairing services for cracks and holes. The price of putty and primer is also added along with labor charge.

3. Do painters clean walls before applying paint?

Yes, house painters know the importance of cleaning a wall before adding hues to it because at the end it will cause worry for both the painter and the client. The wall needs to get cleaned and proper dirt removal should be done by washing it with a solution of detergent and water. It is the first step towards the preparation of walls for painting so it should be done perfectly, if not then it will not allow the paint to adhere perfectly in the wall causing dull complexions.


4. The house painters in Kolkata have to work in What is the need to hire a professional painter for painting ?

Well, a professional home painter will do its job more professionally. You can also save your time and money as he already knows the pros and cons of every painting component. From buying paint to choosing designs, they can provide everything according to your budget as a newbie may be mistaken multiple times! They have modern equipment. They know the pre-painting and post painting tasks very well. 

5. How do I protect and maintain the fresh coat of paints on my interiors?

Your paint will get deteriorated over time, and hence you must be cautious to prevent degradation. Small efforts from your end will help the interior colors to last longer. You must do frequent dusting and scrub the walls whenever needed with a soft cloth and liquid detergent. If some paint gets tarnished over time, you can touch up with the same hues. If you are not confident about doing the touch up alone, then you can take the help of professionals to see better results. If you pay attention, then it will save you the cost of doing the painting again.

Sunshine Home Painting Service
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